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The machines were throwing rocks out and we all tried blocking them from hitting the people. Aang and Toph went in to unplug the machine but Toph just ended up destroying it.
The rest of us were helping all the workers out and into safety.

   "The Dragon of Ice." I looked back at where the voice came from.

   "Colonel Mongke." I replied and Aang and Toph came back out. "What are you doing here? Still upset about getting frozen to the ground by a girl?"

   "The owners of the Earthen Fire Refinery hired us as their personal security detail." Mongke answered. "To protect them from rabble-rousers like you."

   "So they're as stupid as you." I muttered.

   "What's all this ruckus?!" A man yelled. "Who are these people?!"

   "They're my guests." Satoru replied. "And they're just about to leave uncle Loban, I can explain everything!"

   "Satoru! You can explain what happened to that machine that cost us ten thousand ban!" His uncle yelled at him.

   "You couldn't just unplug it?!" Satoru asked Toph who shrugged it off.

   Satoru's uncle talked lowly about his nephew to his partner who remained in the elevator down. Satoru apologized and promised to get it sorted but was ignored.
I felt bad because this was supposed to be the only family Satoru had and well, he wasn't anything near loving.
When the man came out of the elevator I took in his appearance. He was pretty thin and dressed in a robe that looked expensive and originated from the Earth Kingdom. The man had a shocked look on his face and Toph had one that matched.
Everyone except for the air acolytes and I seemed to know who this man was. They all seemed just as shocked as the young girl. I was actually confused.

   "Father?" She said as the two faced, each other.

   "Boss man, Lao? You told me that you didn't have a family." Satoru spoked.

The man froze with even more shock like he had just been caught in a lie but boy did that change quickly.

   "That's correct." Lao replied and his facial expression completely changed. "This girl is not my daughter."

Toph stayed quiet, although I have never met this man the others called him out for lying and he denied it. Mirai had more to say.

"Are you serious!?" Mirai spat. "This is Your daughter! You watched her grow up most of her life!"

"Mirai—" Sokka placed his hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off and tsked as she walked out of the building.

Satoru asked Toph if he really was her father but before she could answer his uncle cut in and insulted him and the workers threatening them.

"Guards, escort this confused young lady and her friends out of here." Lao told the Rough Rhinos. "And make sure they never come back."

"Father!" Toph yelled at him.

"You heard the man. So you wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?" Mongke asked.

This guy really was annoying and so full of himself. The acolytes asked Aang if we were leaving.

"No we're not leaving until I talk to somebody about the location of this refinery!" Aang told them.

"We're not leaving until I talk to my dad." Toph added.

   "So basically, we're not leaving." I told Monkey.

"You fellas need some backup?" A Rough Rhino asked.

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