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Okay this is officially the end of the Kaida and Zuko story. I like this story and since it was the first story I've posted I'm proud at how well it came out.

*This is a lot so be ready to read.





1. In the next three years
· Kaida still visited the South Pole with Zuko as they said, every month at least she did.

· She started going alone when Zuko started having more work to do which was basically the third month.

· She decided that the Fire Nation was getting slightly boring so she went on a little voyage on the ocean discovering her own spirituality.

· She learned how to cross into the spirit work while doing so mainly on accident because of Yoshiro.

· Tundra was permanently always out and never melted, no matter how hot it was. Which signified how much stronger Kaida was getting.

· When she and Zuko did spend time together, he taught her how to use the dueling swords and told her the story of Love Amoungst The Dragon.

· Spent a lot of time with Ursa and Kiyi. Also liked talking to Ikem about their acting days.

· Mirai had the honor of gifting Zuko the baby dragon that had hatched and was looking for him anyways.

· More and more people came around to respecting Zuko as their Fire Lord, this made Kaida happy because he had worked very hard for his spot.

2. Engagement and Wedding
· 5 years into dating (20), Zuko took her betrothal necklace and gathered around their family and very close friends at the Jasmine Dragon and proposed.

· It was a nice wedding in the Fire Nation during the summer, just family and friends from both sides.

· Her maid of honor was her sister.

· Didn't have any bridesmaids.

· Zuko asked Aang to be his best man just so Sokka could be Aang's best man.

· Hakoda teased/threatened Zuko a lot during the wedding. Saying things like. "As a partner, Congratulations. As a father, I will kill you myself if you hurt my daughter or future grandkids." "She always has a place back home." "Be safe with her."

· Gran-Gran and Pakku asked them for powerful great-grandkids. Which was embarrassing for both Kaida and Zuko.

· The couple honeymooned on Ember Island, rebuilding the old house that was destroyed previously. Agreeing to make newer happy memories.

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