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We went back to Ba Sing Se to relax after the festival, except for Toph who stayed to start the partnership in her father's business and Mirai who went to her secret life, Sokka begged her to stay and join us going back to the South Pole but she also said she would most likely meet us there.
Aang started a bigger class for his Air Acolytes, he would used Iroh's tea shop for the classes and sessions that he had.
My siblings and I waited outside until the students came out and we peeked in.

"Hey, Sweetie!" Katara said to Aang. "You guys done?"

"Just finished!" Aang replied.

"Perfect timing!" Sokka said and pointed back. "We just got everything packed on Appa!"

"Where are you headed?" Iroh asked.

"To the South Pole!" I answered a bit too excited but I really couldn't hold it back. "It'll be our first time back since the war ended."

"We've been planning the trip since we left Zuko." Aang said. "That and since we ran into some of Kaida and Katara's friends."

"We should have gone back sooner to help rebuild." Katara said.

"Plus we'll finally get to see dad again!" I said. "Longer than just a few day."

"And go penguin sledding." Aang added.

"And eat some of Auntie Ashuna's seal jerky!" Sokka gushed.

"You hate Auntie Ashuna's seal jerky!" I said.

"You mean I hated Aunt Ashuna's seal jerky." Sokka corrected as we walked out. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"Let's get moving!" Aang said. "Weather's perfect right now. If we hurry, we can probably get to-"

We looked up at the squak and saw it was a messanger hawk.

"Aang, what is it?" Katara asked but we already knew what it was.

"It's from, Zuko." Aang replied. "He needs me."

"'re going to the Fire Nation then?" Katara asked.

"I think I have to." Aang answered. "Hey, why don't you guys come with me? I'm sure it won't take long."

"It's spirit world stuff." Sokka replied. "When's the last time spirit world stuff didn't take long?"

"And dad's expecting us." Katara added. "You go help Zuko, Aang. Take Appa, so you can meet us at the South Pole after things are settled."

"I'm going too." I said fiddling with my necklace."

"What?!" Sokka asked. "But dad's expecting us, and you were so excited to see him!"

"I know..." I answered and looked at Katara and Aang hugging. "But I promised Zuko, I would help him with anything and well this is anything."

"Fine.." Sokka hugged me and I hugged him back along with my sister.

"Tell dad I'll see him soon." I said getting on Appa with Aang and we took off.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

We made it back to the Fire Nation Palace and when we got there we were quickly escorted to the meeting room. In there sat Mai, Sora, and a constable.

"Zuko!" Aang walked in and waved.

"Avatar Aang!" Zuko said and he walked towards us. "Thanks for being here, buddy." Zuko smiled grateful shaking his hands.

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