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   The year has been a real workload. I can't say that I'm mad about it or anything because I really enjoy talking to people and helping them with anything as we get the colonials to their new home.
Mirai and Toph went their separate ways after a few months of doing their part to help. Toph opened a school to teach Earthbenders to metalbend but she only had a few students. Mirai started spending more time with her grandfather and had other things to do with family things on both sides. Since they were both gone we had to work with just the four of us sometimes just them three.

   I did stay in the palace with Zuko a few times, since I had my own way of transportation I could go there and then meet up with the others as soon as possible. I realized that Zuko started to get more stressed over the last few months. He never talked about it but there was something wrong with him.

   "Kaida." The guard that stood in front of my door smiled weakly. "Uh Zuko has requested we move your room."

   "Again?" I replied and they nodded. "Let me just get-"

   "Everything has been moved to your new room by the maids." The guard said and I followed him with three other guards.

   "Is the Fire Lord sleeping?" I asked.

   "Yes, miss."

   I sighed relieved because this was the first time that I was awake and he wasn't. He had been staying up most nights and it was physically catching up to him.

   "This is the safest tower in the entire palace." The guard assured me.

   I thanked him and stepped into my new room that looked exactly like the old one did but I wasn't going to complain. I had just gone out to get ink and paper to send my siblings a letter to keep them up with Zuko and as I was gone they had moved us. I sat at the desk writing I glanced over at the container that held Ming's water, she had been sound asleep making me a bit drowsy, I closed my eyes for a few minutes at least that's what I told myself.
   I woke up to a loud crash coming from the hall, I gathered the water from Ming's container and ran out. I watched as Zuko fell back and then I saw the figure in all black, our eyes locked before I froze their limbs to the wall and ran over to Zuko.

   "Are you okay?" I asked and he got up pulling the scarf off the girl.

  "Convince me not to take your life." Zuko had his fist ready.

   "Zuko!" I hissed.

   "Go ahead!" The girl spoke. "My family has been loyal to yours for generations! By getting rid of me, you would simply complete your betrayal."

   "Well, that's kind of an explanation." I muttered and walked over.

   "Your family?" Zuko lowered his hands.

   "My father is the mayor of Yu Dao!" The girl growled.

   "Yu Dao?" I repeated. "Oh, the first of the Fire Nation colonies."

   "Your girlfriend seems to be more educated than the Fire Lord himself!" The girl got up. "It's my home! And now you and the Avatar are going to destroy it with your precious Harmony Restoration Movement!"

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