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   We stepped into the little cave and looked around but the light from outside only showed us so much before it got too dark to see anything, we walked aimlessly in the dark, our hands being our guide by feeling the walls.
   Eventually in the distance we saw something glowing, we ran over to see they were green glowing crystals.

   "This is great!" Sokka smiled and used his sword to dig out the crystal and handed us each one.

"Sokka, do you really have to wear that crystal on your forehead?" Katara asked.

   I looked over to see that he had tied the crystal up to his forehead using his belt that held his top closed and his pants up.

"It's dark in here." Sokka told her. "All right? So unless Fire Lord Zuko taught our Ice Queen how to magically firebend we're gonna need all the light we can get!"

"Right." I nodded holding the glowing crystal. "But why aren't you holding it in your hand like a normal person?"

"Doing it this way leaves my hands free for other important tasks-" Sokka replied.

"Like holding up your pants, now that your belt is on your forehead?" Katara asked.

"Exactly!" Sokka said.

   "Sokka!" Katara sighed.

   "Fine!" Sokka muttered and tied his belt back. "Picky, picky, picky.."

"Look!" I pointed forward at the orange light that illuminated from further ahead.

   We ran over and it led down to an open mine. It was an underground mine, many people were working down here.

"Guys, check it out!" Sokka said and we looked over at the polluted water.

"I new that Natural phenomenon was pure bull." I muttered.

"Hey! You three! Get away fron there!" More Rough Rhinos came.

Sokka tried fighting them but the attacks were hitting the support beams that held up under the town. Katara and I froze the men to stop them.

"It isn't safe down here!" Katara said.

"Agreed." I replied and looked at Sokka. "We need to get these people out of here."

"No problem!" Sokka replied getting on a crate "ATTENTION! EVERYBODY! LISTEN UP! This mine could collapse at any moment! We need to get everybody out in an orderly fashion! So if you'll all follow me in a single-file line-"
   No one chose to follow him. "Come on! Didn't you hear me?! The mine is going to collapse and crush you all! You aren't worried about the big burly guys, are you? They can't get you in trouble! They're frozen!"

"We aren't all as lucky as you and your sisters, Sokka." We looked at Nutha.

"Hey...I know you! Nutha, right? Weren't you friends with my sisters back home?" Sokka asked clearly missing the tone.

"Not everybody gets to buddy up with the Avatar and leave home." Nutha said then glared at me. "Much less start dating the Fire Lord."

   I was taken as prisoner.. Or did she just forget that!?

"If you just list-" she cut me off.

"I'm sure you're not aware, since you haven't been back, but the Southern Water Tribe hasn't been doing all that well since the war ended. We're lucky to have found work here." Nutha explained.

"I'm sorry." I apologized "We didn't-"

"Sorry for what?" Nutha asked. "We know you've got other priorities these days. The Whole World needs you right now, right?"

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