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   We did end up staying a few days, we learned about the history and I thought it was beautiful. If I wasn't dating Zuko maybe I would have been against it but dating someone who was of Fire Nation bloodline helped me understand how moving the older colonies could affect the families and people that lived in them, even if it was back to the Fire Nation.
   I had apologized to the family on Zuko's behalf and the Mayor's wife apologized for her family's acts. We spent time with them and it made Zuko relax for a bit.
   I had to admit I could see a future family like theirs, with Zuko. A family of two Nationalities. It made me happy to think about the future especially one that didn't have to separate everyone.

   "Come on, let's go on a walk." I nudged Zuko. "Toph's metalbending school isn't very far outside of the gate-"

   "We can't." Zuko blurted.

   "Why?" I asked. "We haven't seen her in months, especially you."

   "No." He shook his head.

   "Fire Lord Zuko, the Avatar has gotten in." A guard spoked and I glanced at Zuko.

   "Gotten in?" I asked. "Not here to see you?"

   "Hold them back." Zuko ordered.

   "Zuko!" I tried to argue, he tried to leave but I grabbed his arm. "What did you do?"

   I was confused but I ran out before Zuko did and used the water in the water fountain to slide over to the gates. They had been closed but I didn't think much of it, now that I see the frozen guards suddenly I felt stupid.

   "Kaida!" Katara and Aang exclaimed.

   "What's going on? Why did you guys attack the guards?" I asked genuinely confused.

   "They attacked us first!" Aang replied.

   "They almost set Aang into a blaze of flames." Katara added.

   "Aaaah!" I turned around and saw the guard ready to hit Aang.


   "Can't you people give it a rest?! He just wants to talk!" Katara raised shards at the man only they fell and we looked back to see Zuko grabbing her wrists.

   "Katara stop!" Zuko orddred.

   "Let go, Zuko!" She replied. "You're hurting me, don't make me hurt you back!"

   "I'm hurting you?!" Zuko asked. "What are you doing to my soldiers? My people!"

   "Let go of her, Zuko!" Aang called. "She said you're hurting her!"

   "First, she has to agree to stop attacking my people!" Zuko demanded.

   "Zuko, let go of her!" I picked up the water and glared at him. My blood was boiling with anger.

   "I am the Fire Lord! I have to protect the citizens of the Fire Nation!" Zuko said.

   "I didn't ask." I threw him back with the water then ran over to Katara. Just then he started shooting fire at us.

   Aang protected us. "I came here to talk to you, Zuko." Aang spoke. "As a friend but you've changed! You've forgotten what we fought for!"
   Suddenly Aang started to go into the Avatar state. "Maybe Avatar Roku is right. Maybe a promise is a promise."

   "Promise?" I asked and looked at Zuko. The fear in his eyes caused me to get up.

   The air began to swirl around Aang and whipped around us. I made it to Zuko trying to protect him from Aang and whatever he was going to do but Zuko made it so he was protecting me and no longer the other way around.

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