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   We started playing in the snow, Zuko and Sokka teaming up since they were the only two who weren't waterbenders. After hours of that we went back to Gran-Gran's hut.

   "We should make dinner for everyone." I suggested as Toph and Mirai joined us.

   "I spent all day working, lover girl!" Toph yelled and crossed her arms. "The last thing I want to do is cook."

   "Liar." I chuckled and she punched my arm. "So what do you guys say? Keep her busy while Zuko and I go grocery shopping?"

   "Sounds great!" Katara agreed and so did everyone else.

   Zuko and I walked to the market. I picked up the tofu Aang wanted and other things, Zuko did the same and looked at the list Mirai handed him.

   "You seem happier." Zuko pointed out taking the bags from my hands.

   "This is what I wanted." I sighed happily. "A relaxing vacation, with my boyfriend."

   Zuko smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead as we continued to shop. It really was living up to what I actually wanted as a vacation back to the South Pole.
   I told him about things that we would do before everything changed. I had never felt better since arriving.


   We got back to the hut and it took a lot of convincing but Pakku got Gran-Gran to let us cook in her kitchen. It was great as we joked around but focused on the food. Toph was mainly just talking but I was helping her cut up the vegtables since that's really all she could do.

   "I'm telling you Pakku, This isn't right!" Gran-Gran said as she sat around with Pakku, Dad, Malina, Basco, and King Kuei. "I'm just not used to having other people in my kitchen!"

   "Oh for just one meal, relax and enjoy yourself." Pakku told her. I was waiting with the tea tray while the others gathered everything so I listened to everything with a smile.

   "He's right, Gran-Gran." Dad said. "The kids want to serve you. Let them serve you!"

   "Yeah, Gran-Gran." I walked out earlier than the others. "The worst we can do is burn a hole through the kitchen."

   "Thats it-!" She tried getting up.

   "I'm kidding." I chuckled. "We're done and no holes in the walls."

   "Yes, Basco, I very much agree." King Kuei said. "The warmth and the care of the folks down here? This is just about the highest form of civilization there is!"

   I walked back to the kitchen and gathered the plated and dishes for everyone.
   "Hope you're all hungry because we've put together quite a feast!" Aang announced and opened the steam basket "Steamed tofu!"

   "Northern style seaweed stew!" Katara announced.

   "Braised turtle-duck!" Toph also announced.

   "Extra spicy fire noodles!" Zuko announced.

   "With some Flame flakes to add for your spicy-ful desire." Mirai added.

   "And deserts being red bean paste buns and mango mochi!" I smiled.

   "Man, This all smells so good!" Sokka said licking his lips. "Less talking, more eating!"

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