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   We walked back to Appa and Momo. "Ugh. More than once tonight I was tempted to burn that whole place down!" Azula said. "But I resisted for you Zuzu, I hope you appreciated it."

   "How could you say that about such a lovely family?" I asked not really surprised.

   "Oh please." Azula replied. "Their charade disgusted me. Nobody's that happy."

   "Aang and I are that happy!" Katara told her.

   "Because you two are idiots." Azula replied.

   "Oh what do you know?" I told her and Katara and I ganged up against her as the three of us argued.

   I hated that Azula could just talk about basically killing a whole family with no trouble and that made me even more protective of the family.
   I know it wasn't fair but at this point it was all I could do, just argue with my boyfriend's sister. It made me feel a little bad but how can some people be so infuriating?

    "We should stop them.." Sokka said as they watched the three.

   When Azula threatened the two waterbenders and Kaida's eyes began to glow they all got involved and pulled them apart.

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"Stupid fear." I growled and kicked the ground and pulled off the dress.


I shot ice daggers behind me, fearing that it was Azula and that she might've heard what I said.
When I turned around I sighed and saw Zuko pinned to the tree. My heart slowed down as I removed the ice from him and just soaked him for scaring me.

"You're rude." I muttered grabbing my dress.

"Well, I didn't want anyone knowing I was coming to see you." He snaked his arms around me.

I blushed but turned and kissed him as our bodies swayed. I got dressed in the same red dress because I wasn't really thinking but it felt nice and I know Zuko liked it too.
We talked about what we knew about his mother and what we were gonna do from here, which was go to the Forgetful Valley.

"Then we should probably get some sleep." I spoke and kissed his cheek.

"Wait, Kaida." He stood in front of me and I waited for a kiss but his fingers ran down my neck. "So you still wear Yoshiro's necklace?"

"Well, yeah." I nodded as I held it in my hand. "I never asked my siblings for my mother's necklace back and since I already used the spirit water it doesn't feel crowded."
I looked up at him thinking maybe he felt jealous or something. "I..I just don't think I'm ready to give it up yet.. Do you want me to take it off?"

"No." He blurted but his face burned up. "No.. sorry..I just wondered what you plan on doing with it in our future."

"Our future." I smiled and pulled him closer to me. "Well, if I'm being honest depending how far or close in the future...I could wear it back on my wrist.."
I gasped loudly. "I can make it into an earring!"

"Sure." He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Let's get some sleep."

Zuko and I walked back to the others to see them all sleeping, Ming was sleeping next to Momo on Appa's tail and I was just happy they were getting along. even Azula was asleep, she looked peaceful. I rolled out my sleeping bag and we laid down, he pulled me to cuddle and I never felt safer during the night he would twitch at what I could only assume were nightmares.
   I began to wonder what his mother would really be like if we found her, I knew she was beautiful to begin with but I didn't know her as a person, I can only wish that Zuko got his kindness from his mother.

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