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We looked across the bridge to see that Gilak and a few of his members joined him on the other side.

   "We ready to do this, Team?" Sokka asked.

"We better be. Here come the chi blockers." Mirai said.

"Hold still, Avatar." Thod told him.

"Just get it over with." Aang said before he was Chi blocked.

"Remember when you chased me and my brother through the woods, waterbender? Then your sister put us in jail. This is payback." The girl spoke to my sister.

"Oh Kaida, You have disappointed many of your southern brothers and sisters." Thod said. "How could you fall for an Ash maker?"

"I think of dating the Fire Lord as an act of peace and honor. Plus he's more honorable than any of you." I replied then he chi blocked me.

"Regret setting foot on Water Tribe turf yet, dirt girl?" The boy asked Toph.

"Stop asking dumb questions kid." Toph replied.

"Why don't you make me?" He asked and chi blocked her "Oh, Wait. You can't." He laughed.

"I must confess, I'm going to enjoy this, Ash maker." Thod told Zuko "After all the despair you and your people have caused, I can't belive Hakoda, let you set foot in our land! Let alone let his daughter date you!"

Zuko fell and I looked over. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"The Kyoshi warriors are very under rated." He said and I smiled.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Sokka asked as the girl chi blocked him. "I'm not a bender!"

"You're still a threat." She told him.

"Oof." He fell over. "Gotta admit, I'm kind of flattered."

"That's all of them." Thod said.

"Kids! You're not hurt are you?" Dad asked

"We're fine dad." Sokka answered "Good thing the snow's so soft."

"Go on Hakoda" Thod told dad.

"O-oh Heavens!" King Kuei said he and dad were walking the bridge now.

"Don't look down your majesty!" Dad told him.

"I-I don't know if I can do th-this." King Kuei stammered.

"Keep your eyes on me!" Dad told him. "And think about Basco."

   King asked if Basco was okay and dad comfirmed that he was fine and they talked. We heard Gilak ready to cut the bridge but then we heard Malina which lead us to hear The Dark One give a long poetry speech. The others translated for Gilak before fighting.

   "Malina and the Metalbenders have come out of hiding!" Sokka said getting up.

   "Our turn!" Toph yelled.

   I smiled and froze Thod in place again. "That's twice." I said. "Maybe you should apologize to Zuko for calling him an Ash Maker."

"It's not polite to use slurs like that, you know?" Aang helped with the freezing.

I walked over to the Toph and Katara.

   "What'd you dunderheads say this was?" Toph asked as she and Katara trapped the siblings in rock and Ice.

   "I remember, Toph." Katara said "Payback!"

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