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   As Aang was leaving I made my way to my sister and the other three joined us. Katara and I explained what was happening to them so they could see both sides and why we had to stop both of them and talk it out first. Sokka asked where Aang went and Katara told us he went to think things through and that we have to trust his final decision whatever it may be. For now we had to stop these people from killing each other.
   We looked down to see it's what Aangs's fan club was doing. Sokka pointed out how it was pretty impressive for a bunch of non-bending bald girls.

"We need to split up." Katara continued. "Toph And Mirai, you disarm as many Fire Nation troops as you can. I'll be working in the Earth Kingdom soldiers."

"I'll take care of the protesters!" Sokka said.

"I'll talk to King Kuei." I claimed and looked up at the king's balloon.

"One question." Sokka got our attention. "How am I supposed to get down there?" Toph made a slide for him which he didn't want to take but had too.

   I got on Tundra and headed towards the Earth King but I forgot about this Earthbending army. I was hit off of Tundra and came crashing down.

"Are you trying to kill me!?" I asked through gritted teeth.

I felt the sting in my eyes as more water came from the ocean and Tundra came back for me, there was a wall of ice following me blocking off the boulders until I jumped into the basket of the blimp.
I got down and tried to catch my breath as my body warmed up. I glanced at King Kuei who looked terrified and I weakly smiled trying to calm him down but I can only assume that I looked terrifying.

"I wanted to prove to my troops that I'm finally man enough to lead them onto the battlefield!" He explained. "Or at least, co-lead them with General How. But now.."
He got down cowering. "Oooh! I wish Bosco were here!" Fear in his eyes. "Who knew Yu Dao would be like this?!"

I walked over to his side. "King Kuei.. you've never visted Yu Dao have you?" I asked.

"Up until a year ago, I'd never even visited my own city's outer ring." He replied.

"So to you, Yu Dao has always just been a Fire Nation marker on an Eath Kingdom map." I sighed. "Let's get off this balloon, your majesty. You should meet the people who have to live with your decisions."

"B-B-But it's not safe down there!" He said the worry laced in his voice.

"No, it's really not." I replied as Tundra pulled up next to us. "But I won't let anything happen to you, just come with me."

   I got on the Dragon and held my hand out for him to take. He hestitated but allowed me to help him on and I surrounded us with ice for protection. As we were coming down slowly we saw the beam of light shoot up from somewhere on the mountain, everyone below us had turned to look at it.
I glanced down at Zuko, the promise is for Aang to kill him, why else would Aang go into the Avatar state so many times.. Zuko you idiot. And by the looks of it I seemed to be right, Aang who was in his Avatar state soon came over to Zuko.

"Aang, I know how this looks!" Zuko shouted up at the Avatar. "But I swear to you in my heart..!"

I couldn't hear what he was saying after that but he was removing his helmet, Aang cracked open the floor between Zuko and General How.

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