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   Zuko and I went back to the palace after we spent a day with Iroh and we even talked about what Zuko wanted to do about searching for his mother.
   I had my doubts about finding Ursa, I mean June and her shirshu couldn't even find her. That makes it almost impossible for us to find her, as I thought about it, Aang was the only person who wasn't found when we searched for him but only because he was gone on a spiritual journey.
   Ursa can't do that ... can she?

   "Okay." Zuko sighed. "I'm going now."

   "Be safe." I kissed his cheek and hesitated. "Are you sure you don't want me to come."

   In reality I actually didn't want to go. I was still afraid of Azula, this would be the first time in a year that he has gone to see her.
   I have tried to force myself to go a few times but I always scared myself out of it. Many things could go wrong if she saw me, I mean she pretty much has every right to blame me for being in there. I felt guilty.

   "Kaida, you're hands are freezing." Zuko whispered. "I'll be fine, I'll be back soon."

   He placed a kiss on the back of my hand and left. I watched as he disappeared and Ming along with Mirai came out of the palace.

   "Hey Kaida," Mirai nudged me. "You look a bit down."

   "Shouldn't you be at the Sun Warrior temple?" I asked picking up Ming.

   "I'm here visting my granfather." She grinned and then we walked into the palace. "So when is this Yu Dao meeting going to happen?"

   "In two days." I replied and sighed. "It's one of the most important meeting Zuko has ever attended. Do you realize this could possibly be a step forward into the future!"

   "Sounds boring." She said and I nudged her. "Sounds like school, a lecture and all, but you guys can handle it! I mean our lives will be sitting on Fire Lord Zuko and King Kuei's hands."

   "Right." I replied.


  The day of the meeting came by quickly and now we sat in the town hall of Yu Dao. Katara, Sokka, and Aang were here along with the Morishita family and sneers with a few other people. I was sitting at the end of the table next to Zuko, I tried to listen to the man talk but Mirai was right, this was boring.
   I rested my chin in my hand as I died from boredom. Ming sat on the table even she let out a yawn. I made tiny bubbles of water to entertain myself as we listened. I turned into ice and chewed it, only now Zuko looked at me.

   "Sorry was that too loud?" I asked in a whispered.

   "No the old guys voice drowned it out." Sokka replied.

   He turned to Aang asking what this guy is helping with. He was an expert on ancient Earth Kingdom theories of government. Apparently the Earth king wanted us to draw on the wisdom of the past to build a society of the future.

   "Can you two keep it down, please?" Katara shushed them. "Some of us are trying to listen."

   "Sorry Katara!" Aang apologized.

   "Katara aren't you bored?" I asked genuinely.

   "Surprise Surprise, my boring sister likes boring lecture guy." Sokka teased.

   "Hey!" Aang hissed. "That's my girlfriend you're talking about!"

   Katara hit our brother in the face with snow and I can't say I'm mad, Aang and I tried to hide our chuckles.

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