Chapter 3: So It Begins...

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Author's Note: So. Was it fun? Reading my trash? Wow, I'd be surprised if that's a yes. Nyways, considering I've no clue where this story is going please do keep in mind that it also means I I DONT KNOW SHIT. I dun even know if I'll finish this thing so dont get your hopes up. Although, let me just say, votes and comments motivate me for obvious reasons. Also, please dont hesitate to follow me ',;) I'll try to update every friday when I can. That's all, crappy reading.


"Hey you!" Sir Kieth yells at my beloved soon-to-be-commander-best-boi.

"Sir!" Armin responds, a hand to his chest a face that just says 'I shall infect my nervousness to you'. Well, let me tell you one thing at least Armin mah worked.

Shit. It's actually starting. I'm nervous as hell.

"Who the hell are you?" Sir Kieth asks, rudely. I mean, that's how commanders are supposed to be. I've been a cadet for almost two years in my school back then so I'm not really surprised much BUT, But, but...Well, nothing. I just wanted to sound dramatic.

"Armin Arlert, from Shiganshina District!" Armin responds yelling, his eyes squinting a bit as he does.

"I see! That's a ridiculous name!" The commander replies, "Did your parents give it to you?"

Did your parents give you your ugly face? Oh wait, they did! Ha!

"My grandfather did, sir!" Armin answers, respectfully. If it were me, I woulda done nothing BUT HE SHOULDA DONE SOMETHING. Like, YEAH, HE SHOULDA DONE SOMETHING CAUSE IDK??? HE SHOULDA.

"Arlert! Why are you here?" Sir Kieth questions him. Although, I must say that his way of questioning sounds like a forceful and intimidating interrogation. I can't live with that pressure my whole life so I have so clue why I'm doing this to myself. If he asks me that question though, I'd either say waht I think or say something incredibly cheesy cause tbh, I don't know myself very well.

"To help humanity achieve victory!"

You know, this.

"That's wonderful to hear! You shall serve as bait for the Titans! Third row, about-face!" He commands, his hand grabbinh my dearest Armin's head and turning his body around. Tbh if I have to admit, that's one strong hand he's got. Then again though, we are children. We weigh nothing compared to old geezers.

"Who the hell are you?" he asks the person next.

"Sir! Thomans Wagner, from Trost District!"

He dies right? Don't remember him.

"I can't hear you!"

What is this, spongebob?

"Thomas Wagner-"


"I can't hear you! Go practice in the barn!"
He screams. then moves on to the next poor soul that has to endure his breath smacking your face.

You're supposed to say Aye Aye, freaking uncultured swine. He deserved to scream at a barn for the next five hours.

"Wrong you pigsty! You're less than livedstock!" Sir Kieth yells yet again straight to the face of a black-haired girl with low pigtails. It doesn't really sound intimidating when you repeat more than once. It's like, how a joke isn't even worth laughing at when you hear it twice in a row... pick up a new insult dude, you need it.

"Yes, sir! I am less than livedstock!"

You will be...soon. Xoxo. Goodluck.

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