Chapter 12: A Little Something Called Compassion

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Author's Note: Am I slowly realizing that I actually suck at writing right now? That's a yes. Why are you still reading? I'm losing the will to do my shit here. Sometimes I just wonder why suicide is a sin, you know? Like, I get it hurts, but it'd honestly be pretty baller to drown right now. Yes. It's 13:69am, and I'm overthinking. Idk anymore. Also, I hope wattpad doesn't unpublish this chapter too. Eat up, Loveys. =)


Num-nums go some of the Titans that already caught some of our comrades who went ahead in action. Most of the Titans have been successfully gathered  in the corner of the city. They are grabbing and standing atop each other just to get a hold of us. It's like the type of view an artist sees on her own concert except the artist are tinier beings ready to be served as food. One after another, people risked their lives to gather the Titans near the walls. Some, looked critically injured. Other's, fine. The rest, who knows where.

Here I am hanging on the side of the walls—my gear the only thing holding me up, one slip and I'm out. I know. Gram is near me, also hanging from the side. I look up.

Red smoke? Shit. They failed? Are you serious right now? 

I stop to think for a bit.

Oh wait, pfft, yeah, whatever. I don't gotta think about that shit. Lol.

Gram flings his head up, and spots the red smoke raising up the skies. His face deepens. His body stiffens. Then he spouted the only thing he could manage to say: "Fuck." The universal word along with 'Shit'.

I don't exactly remember what happened here. This part wasn't exactly a scene that stood out to me nor took my interest compared to others. I mean, come on, the show was years ago and no matter how good it was, I cant exactly expect myself to remember every inch and detail of what happens. My memory was shit then, it's still shit now. I bet I'm not the only one too. 

"Up." I hear Gram say, "Up. Firefly, up."

"Orders who, exactly?" I ask, 

He answers, "Me."

"HA—" I smirk a grin that I couldn't hide away, "I like the way you sound, Crackers." We eventually fling ourselves back over the walls. Gram lands on the wall first, followed by me, but I stumble for a bit cause my legs are shaking as they slowly die. And it hasn't even been 12 hours. I don't know how Saitama does it, but how tf does he run 10 km every fucking day? That shit's hard. No wonder he went bald, he evolved and stuff. I don't want that.

Something, or more like someone, bumps behind me and we both fall. My head slamming straight into the hard stone that you could hear it. I swear to god I just heard my skull crack. The stinging pain followed not long after it bled and dripped down my already messed up face. I yelp cause DUH. Rubbing my head to ease the pain and maybe wipe off the bit of blood that wanted to see the world. I couldn't get up quick.

"Whoa there, are you two okay?" Gram turns to see us both on the ground groaning like the undead, "Fuck, Firefly, you're bleeding."

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. I didn't notice, WOW. Great deduction! Just freaking... 

"Ah, Blessica? Oh no, I'm so sorry." a familiar voice says. I don't really know who it is but it's squeaky and timid and I DON'T CARE. 

Lord Jezuz why are you doing this to me...

"I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean it." He kept repeating. It was a he. A squeaky sounding he.

"UGH..." I lean up with a hand pressing pressure on the left side of my temple to stop it from bleeding and to pacify the pain, "It's okay...I mean, it's not, cause it hurts like a really painful ouch, but you know." A groan escapes my mouth, and I'm glad it did cause I want this stupid ass individual to know the level of pain his clumsiness just caused the side of my damn head. My head still facing the ground, "Watch where you're going next time. Please. GOD... Shit ass motherfuc- Am I still bleeding? I'm leaving. Shit, My knee... FUCK. Why the hell, GOOD GOD. I feel like angry grandpa." 

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