Chapter 15: New Slave Acquired!

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Author's Note: Finally, we have a name! Wow, that kind of took longer than I initially anticipated it would. I'd like to hear your opinions. COMMENT YOUR ASSES DOWN GEEZE COME ON! Enjoy Loveys =)



This is where supposed time skips happen. Yes, I know. Again with the time skips... The unimportant... The unnecessary.... The irrelevantly trivial events that do no major importance in the plot of the story whatsoever. The insubstantial... The INSIGNIFICANT. I desire no such discriminating treatment from the power of the plot armor... I am ready for revolution.

Except, I don't actually do that cause that's just a whole lotta work and so, for the meantime, I hum a tune until the days of time skip passes by for our dearest suicidal maniac. Unaware myself, that the minutes of humming the song, it slowly transitioned from plain humming into actually singing the lyrics. My foot tapping to the beat while my cheek laid rested on the palm of my hand.

"Kirisaku no wa ringen der torheit...Soukyuu wo mau flugel der freiheit~"

"Hey... You've been humming that for a while now, but I don't think I've ever heard that language before..." The man on the bed, who is the one thing that makes me question my own morals and beliefs, asked, "What is it?"

"The opening. Duh."

"The opening?"

"Sorry, but you owe me your life. " I answer, "So if you can, stop asking your questions if you respect me enough, Marco."

"It doesn't hurt to ask." He replied, "You always do seem to have a lot of secrets to carry, and whenever I ask, you kick me worthless. Plus, you know how thankful I am to you already, I can see that you do."

I paused, "Well, it doesn't matter..." I said, "If you wanna continue to stay alive, I suggest you do what I told you to do."

He nodded, "Of course."


It was then where the event of the mission came back to take over their memories. After Marco has been betrayed--by the damned trio, Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie--and left to be eaten by the Titans, Blessica had swooped in to kill the Titan who was ready to much on Marco in two full zaps. She sliced its necks with full force, her face unyielding in the first slice. On the next, then zoomed to grab Marco's body to safety but unsuccessfully landed on the hard ground, the two tumbling over each other before it ended with the Blessica leaning over a pained, and grunting Marco.

"Marco, are you good at acting?" She whispers to his ears the moment she leaned up, her breath touching his skin and her face so close his heart can't help but get out of his chest.


"You hit your head." She said, "Go to sleep. You can't hear me, and you can't move, you can't react to anything that happens and right now, you're unconscious. You passed out, and when you wake up, you don't remember ANYTHING. Got that? Close your eyes."


"Just do it. HURRY."

There was a sense of panic from her voice afterwards. Marco had shut his eyes and tried his best to not react at all... but it was difficult when he could hear everything that's happening.

"Marco?" She asked, not knowing if he should responds, he remained quiet, "Marco? Marco! Hey, Marco!" Blessica kept repeating. "Shit. He's out. He's out, he's out, he's out. FUCK. Someone!" She screamed, "Somebody! Help!"

What was happening? He couldn't help but be curious. The pain of betrayal still lingered deeply, clutching his chest so hard he could continue to cry if he wanted to. But he had no idea what to feel right now. After all that's happened, after all that chaos, he's being told to shut up and act unconscious? There was no complaining. And plus, what else was there to do but comply? He couldn't move and there was nothing to do but think... So so he does. He remembers.

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