Chapter 29: There's A Reason Why Satan Called Me Mom

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The rain dripped on everyone who stood guard on top the wall later on that day. Blessica stood just right beside me while others pulled up an injured Ymir to the top of the wall as she lay immobile on a stretcher. She had lost an arm, a leg, and her insides- scrambled, like a salad.

Everyone took action to help out those injured during the castle incident.

Later on, we decided it was best to help pull up those others who have yet to come up. Both me and Bless rushed to the nearest person, and pulled on the rope. Eren, who was there too at the time, pulled up a familiar blonde man with an injured arm.

"Damn, it hurts."

An awful feeling engulfed my gut. I didn't like it, at all.

"Are you okay, Reiner?"

"Not by a long shot. A Titan nearly gnawed off my arm."

Reiner? I questioned myself; the name was awfully familiar but brought my instincts to frenzy. In my head, I kept searching what; what was wrong around me that made me feel so on guard? Moments like these are the times where I despise myself for being such an old person. Mentally, of course.

"That was...pathetic. I thought I was done for."

It kept ringing, the signal in my head to run and protect myself.

But where? Why? What was the reason?

For a moment, I'm lost in my thoughts; scrambling almost in a panic. I was unprepared. Something's coming soon...but... I don't know what it is.

"At this rate, I'll be dead before I know it."

There it was. I'm ringing, my body hastily turned around on its own to see this blonde boy again- sitting on the cold ground while being surrounded by another random person, and both Eren and Armin. It's this thing.

Why? Why was he awfully familiar? I didn't understand. Nothing clicked in my own head. Something wasn't right here. What did I miss? Was I forgetting something?

Later on, Hannes came up the wall to bring in the news that there was no hole. The wall was perfectly sealed, which was a complete shocker to everyone who heard. Except, you know, us two.

Everyone spread out, on their way to retreat until Hannes caught me in the corner of his eye. "Oh, Emilyn." he said, "Been a while."

"Hannes. It's a pleasure to be seeing you." I said.

"What's the devil's mother doing here still?" He joked, walking closer, "I figure you would've continued on with your other work."

I smiled, I haven't heard that nickname in a while, "It's best to challenge yourself and do both."

Hannes let out an awkward chuckle. Then the man's eye's averted to greet the main trio before it moved to Blessica. "Oh, it's you."

"Right. Remember me, Geezer?" Bless answered in response. Her voice seemed slightly hateful, "You must be surprised to know that I'm not DEAD."

"Ah...Right." He placed a hand on his nape, "About that, I'm sorry."

"You fucking better."

I looked at Bless, "Why? Did something happen between you two?"

Her eyes averted to look at Hannes, then to the other three next to her. But silence overpowered the next three seconds. Something must have happened.

"This motherfucker right here---"

"We're going back ahead of you guys." Hannes interrupted. Then, without another word, he turned and left.

As Armin, Mikasa, and Sasha began to walk away. I stood in front of Bless in attention, "What was that about?" I asked, my arms crossed, my voice, I noticed, lower. "You're gonna tell me right?"

"Eren, we need to---"

"When the Colossal Titan broke the hole on Wall Maria years ago, that motherfucker decided to leave me to die." She answered with no hesitation in her voice. No sympathy.

I exclaimed, "What."

"Can you believe it? I was super pissed off, you know! He goes on and picks up Eren and Mikasa but when he sees me, he just sprints! He sprints! What an asshole!"

"To be fair, his hands were full carrying us." Eren argued.

"You're just saying that cause you weren't left for DEAD." She elaborated, "I was in pain! Shock! You guys weren't hurt at all! I mean, not really, your mom did die." She paused, "You get what I mean."


"You were there, Blessica?" Asked Bertholdt with a look of concern.

"This whole conversation wouldn't have started if I wasn't there, dummy." She replied. I was slightly surprised with her sudden use of the word 'dummy'. Usually, when she uses kinder curse words, it indicates her nervousness.

"Eren. We need to talk." Interrupted Reiner, who then asked to excuse themselves.

Bless and I complied quietly and began walking away past the others. Although, I couldn't help but notice that her pace was awfully sluggish. "What's the matter? You seem nervous."

"What? Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

I still had no clue, "Why?"

"Huh? Did you forget?" She questioned, and I could only give her an ignorant look. She steps closer to me, leaned in, then whispers, "Today... is number 31."

"Number 31?" I echoed, "What does that mean?"


My mind clicked in an instant.

Warrior. How could I forget today? Of all days, why did I---

"Hey! We're leaving!" I see Armin wave his hand high ahead of us. I turned around, there, Mikasa stood motionless, staring at the three who stood farther away.

Calm down, Lyn, you had that meeting last night. You need to calm---

"Yeah assholes! Hurry the hell up!" Bless added with a grin so big even her eyes looked like they were smiling. She looked at me right after, "Come on, Lyn. Let's go!" Then she smiled once again, before grabbing me by the wrist and skipping forward.

In a minute, the sun peeked right through the clouds that brought in rain just a while ago. It was at that moment when I noticed the other soldiers stopped in their tracks. What's worse, Bless' hand was damp of sweat.

I turned to witness Mikasa slash Reiner, the blond boy, by the arms, and the other, on the neck. Then there it was, the glow so familiar it's like I'm almost tired of seeing it. Instincts took over in an instant, followed by a series of headaches as I grabbed Blessica and run the opposite direction.

A large burst of wind blew us forward. Our bodies rolled on the surface of the wall, but thankfully far from falling off of it. Those who run towards Eren got blown back instead.

Rubble from fractured cement pieces of the wall itself rained everywhere, the ground on which we stood shook, and two Titans stood among us- secreting smoke that burst open our sweat glands as they jumped off of the wall with Eren and Ymir in hand.

I am such a fool.

The sound of Titan Eren and the other boy's impact on the ground could be heard. I let go of Bless, who had her hands gripping tightly on both sides of her temple. Immediately, we stood our stance after standing up to equip our swords.

The Colossal raised his hand swat everyone who stood. The majority of the people dodged the attack by allowing themselves to hang on the side of the wall. All except for the one who was eaten along with Ymir.

My anger would not hold itself back, "Soldiers, prepare to attack!" I commanded, "Afterwards, we find whatever moron brought these dejected raccoons into this already horrendous world so that I can feed them the plucked and boiled testicles of their children. These fools obviously have no clue that there's a reason why Satan called me Mom. Soldiers! Forward!"

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