Chapter 10: Believe Me, I'm Trying

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Author's Note: Hm, the last chapter didn't exactly go as I expected it to go. I guess what is, is, I suppose. Do keep in mind that the length of each chapter is dependent to Blessica's whereabouts and involvement in the story. Also on my mood. This is not an instruction manual. Also, YEY LEVI. EHERM. EHERM. I still hope you enjoyed it despite that though. Vote and comment cause I need motivation. As always, enjoy my trash =)


Let me just say that being in standby isn't exactly as pleasant as it sounds. Literally people are losing their minds one by one. Instead of being thankful that we're given time to ourselves before being shipped into battle again, they decide OH, WHAT A PERFECT MOMENT TO GO INSANE.

I can't think of a better way to not only waste time, but infect other people, other than this. They're so loud you could hear their screams from the other side of the wall. Of course, that's just an expression but I cant deny that it's annoying.

"Marco. I cant do this anymore." Says probably the 5th guy whose sanity is about to jump off the roof. Whatever fears he has in his own mind, must be bad enough that he literally has to announce to everyone, let alone scream at Marco's face, that he's about to go nuts. "I cant fight the Titans anymore!"

Sure. Go off yourself.

Marco responds, "What's gotten into you?" You can see the concern in his face when he asks this. He obviously has a heart big enough to show that.

The man answers in loud screams, enough so that everyone around can hear him, "My friends got eaten right in front of me! My friends got killed, yet I didn't feel any sadness or hate at all!" Man, even Sasha seems terrified just hearing him talk. Dude should chill cause none of this is helping anyone. If we die, we die. It's not like we know we're dead when we're dead.


No. It dont work that way. When you're dead, you cant think cause you're brainless. You can't speak cause you're not made out of meat no more. You cant panic cause you cant feel, and well, what's there to panic about? You're basically just a wondering soul who doesn't even know if you'll go to heaven or burn in hell.

Or maybe I'm just not scared cause I've already been dead once. Who knows? I certainly dont.

The man continues, "Deep down, I just felt glad it wasn't me!"

I honestly don't see what's so wrong with that. He's not one of the main characters, so of course he'd feel that way. I myself am at least happy that I get to live another day. In fact, I may know this better than anyone.

The man grips his head tight with both hands, eyes gazing down on the ground as he goes on and speaks in a more trembling voice, "But it will be my turn next." He says, "I've realized what our job is."

Carts filled with bandaged up injured individuals passes by rows of frightened attention-posed soldiers. It'a not a good sight if paired up with a panicking man nearly about to go bonkers. Which, isn't helping at all with making how tense everything's turned out to be.

Damn! If I could just smack some ducktape on his face, I would.

The man exclaims, "We need to keep fighting until we eventually get eaten!"

Oh wow buddy, we didn't realize. Gee, that's pretty shocking.

"Well, screw that!" He loudly declairs. It was then when he attempts to pull out his sword in panic to do whatever it is he's planning to do. But thankfully, Marco moves quick to stop that from happening.

"Stop! Pull yourself together! You aren't the only one, you know! We're all fighting back fear!" Marco blasts at him.

"Yikes." I murmur to myself, "Children. Terrible, terrible, creatures."

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