Chapter 13 : Everything Goes Well For Once

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Author's Note: Would've loved for that previous chapter to turn out better. I wont be editing my chapters from mistakes but I'll keep note of them. This is so that I don't get tempted to REWRITE EVERYTHING and loose my progress. You know how that is. God I'm lonely. Can you guys like, talk and comment a lot so I have a reason to interact with other human beings? Also, wattpad keeps doing this thing where even if I saved my drafts, the next time I check it, it's back to the previous one for some reason? Idk why that's the case, like, I'm trying to find ways to avoid this but if my stories seems to become lower quality, it's because of this. That's all. Anyways, people. Fun. Okay. Eat up, Loveys. =)



It couldn't be denied that by the time Eren finally stood up to carry the rock on his shoulders, everyone's heart couldn't stop thumping and wouldn't dare go back to their chests. He looked like a machine-not really-and there were smoke coming out of him that catches the eyes of everyone who saw, along with his glowing green pupils that's was overwhelmingly striking enough that it was noticeable in a single glance. The people, so submerged into the sight of something that was barely even believable until not so long ago.

Both Mikasa and Armin had their tongues stuck to the back of their throats watching this dear friend perform an impossible. Armin reports with fierceness and certainty, his voice shrilling to the ears and down to the shoulders and spine, "Eren's in control! He's trying to fulfill his duty. Now, if we can just escort him to the gate, victory will be ours!" No one could dismiss the very fact that at this moment, to the listeners, hope was at the tips of their fingers... ready to be grasped.

Upon hearing Armin's report, the Commanding Officer of the squad in charge of Eren's protection looked unsure for a second. His face obviously depicts his fearfulness for the lives he knows will be sacrificed in his command for this mission, but that's just it: He knows. He knows what to do, it doesn't matter how, he knows to do it. So with a shocking call, he shouts out in command, "Defend him! Even if we have to die in process, protect Eren until he reaches the gate, Keep the Titans away at all costs!"

The soldiers gazes fixed to him in a second, staggering at what they heard. They expected for a moment to be told to retreat, knowing that it's happening, they were going to be saved and all they had to do was wait... which is what they thought. But that wasn't the case with this. Success isn't going to happen with soldiers standing watch just waiting for it to happen. No. They had to move.

"Don't let them stop him!" Jean, who stood on top of the walls, commanded to his companions near him. The Commander's voice, apparently was loud enough for Jean to hear him from on top of the walls. He adds, "We'll back Eren up!"

"I don't really like you commanding all of the sudden..." Blessica, who seems to have had her bleeding head and knee bleed even more, spoke up. Right about now, he body is just in pain. Her knee and head bleeding and stinging with every move and word that comes out of her mouth. Still, she doesn't let it get in the way of talking like the way she always does. "I don't suppose you're gonna need my help in doing this cause I could use a good nap right now, you kno-"

"Are you serious!? Now's not the time!" Jean retorts, a raised voice directed to none other.

"My god, I save your ass once and this is how I'm treated. I demand an apology. Ugh... Ow. I was just asking, you know? Don't gotta piss on me about i-"

"I said now's not the time!"

"Alright! I get it, I get it. Yeesh. I'm going. God."

It was already an achievement to have courage to continue fighting this battle, but Jean having Blessica agree on an argument between the both of them? Albeit, Blessica isn't in her best condition as of the moment, it's still a note-worthy feat. He literally tamed a damn bitch.

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