Chapter 19 : Her Mind Is Set And It's My Fault

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"So...Here we are." Bless muffled quite loudly as she sat on one of the chairs in front of me.

I smiled, Is she nervous? "Yes." I said to her, "You're still awake. It's late, you know. Anything troubling you?"

"Oh. UH. Well-" She stuttered and fiddled on her own fingers a lot, "When we met...uh, WELL, I kind of you know...went overboard in the whole train ride of emotions. Granted, it was LITERALLY A MONTH AGO, but I'm still plenty EMBARRASSED, you see." She started explaining to me, I couldn't help but smile as she did, "Thanks for uh, what you said earlier by the way... it, uh, helped? Yeah... Also, what- okay. Um. Yeah. How are you? OH MY GOD that was so stupid since this is LITERALLY AOT shit OKAY. UH-"

"Bless, relax. It's just me." I reassured her, "No need to be as stiff as a bunny."

"Yeah. YEP. Sorry, just- my god. Just, I don't know what to say after all this time. So..."

"I understand. Don't worry." I smiled at her, "How are you right now?"

She hesitated for a moment, "I'm okay...I guess. You?" It honestly wasn't believable. I could tell that wasn't the case- obviously as plain as day. But, I could tell she didn't really want to talk about it either. Maybe she didn't want me to worry?

"Yes..." I answered, but I too, hesitated for a bit there, "Currently."


"I've had my hardships here and there...I'm sure you do too but we can talk about that later if you like..."

"Oh, okay..."


Silence had followed afterwards. It was an uncomfortable silence. The both of us couldn't get ourselves to look at each other in the eyes. We were either looking to the side or fidgeting our fingers. It was dreadful.

I had to break it if I wanted something to happen, "So..."

"Hm?" she looked at me, finally.

I paused, "...When?"

"When?" She mirrored, "When what?"

"Sorry, I mean, when? When did you come?" I explained more clearly, "When did you arrive? And I don't mean the scouts. How long...have you been here?"

"Oh..." her voice softened, "THAT when."

"I'm sorry, I'm curious. You don't have to answer if you don't want to-"

She leaned forward, "No! no! I want to! Please."

I rested my shoulders, but gave no response.

She answered, "I think, right's been five years."

I echoed, "5 years?"


"Bless..." My mind wondered. 5 years? That was when the wall first got broken. "Oh, Bless..." My worriment couldn't hide, instead, it was shown all over my face as I looked at her. "I'm so sorry..."

"Wha- Why are you apologizing!?"

I explained, "Because, I know what a terrible moment that must be. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when I should've-"

"Woah, woah, woah. It's okay! It's okay! It's honestly okay!" Her face flustered a smile to quickly reassure me, "I'm fine and in one piece see! You couldn't have thought that...THIS...would happen. Who would? I didn't, definitely. Don't beat yourself for this! I'm just glad to see you!"


"Never mind that now." She scolded enough for me to properly look at her again, "How about you? know. Cause you seem older... No offense, by the way, you just seem much, much older. Almost the same as the last time I say you...that time. So," she paused, "When?"

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