Chapter 31 : How Can Someone Be So Smart And So Stupid?

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"How dare you! Fiends who have a plentiful lack of wit find themselves no different to that of a regretfully obtuse mutt that deserved to get tossed salt in your eyes!"

A rage large enough to make Lyn face her attackers that planned on assassinating her that night. Her hands tied tight behind her back that ached from the corset that's begun stabbing her hips instead of actually supporting her skirt. Anger clouded her mind despite knowing that these men in black clothing were taking her hostage: 1 million? Were they joking? Is that how little her worth was to their obviously oblivious and glasses-needing eyes?

"Ridiculous! Insulting! You dare!" She screamed at the men who had now begun looking at her odd. They've pointed a gun at her, saying that they'd let her go to write a letter(while being guarded), asking her father to send them money to ensure her own safety. She was not having it. "100-no,500 million. It's either that or I die."-at this point she is standing as she glared at his eyes-"You understand me, fool?" They had never met such a demandingly spoiled thing.

These men had heard of her: the girl adopted, and basically plucked off the streets, by one of the richest nobleman in the innermost wall. News broke to the different houses quick. A lot of the other nobles in quite a shock to find that a nobleman would do such a thing! And from the streets! It was said that it was as if he was charmed at first sight due to the girl's similar appearance to his deceased daughter, so took the child in, and adored her with all his attention and wealth. The other nobles didn't like this. Why, he was basically admiring a weed!

So they've devised a plan: One of the few who had gather together in their silly tea parties would have their son invite her over. Then they would pretend to be attacked by a group of thieves and assassins. This is to see if she is really wortht of her noble title, and those present in the party would be called as witnesses to bring her down. It was a good plan.

That is where they are currently, cornered in a room of an old castle located in Wall Rose where nobody ever came into. A son, a mother, and a father, pretending that their lives are hanging on a string-just to test this little weed. But there was one problem: they had no idea how to process what they had just witnessed. This wasn't how things should be going.

"What a shameful thing!" The son had said, standing. He couldn't even begin to comprehend the things that are happening-though he knew, at the very least, that it showed her a spoiled brat that has forgotten her true place. He was about to head forward, to hit her hopefully, but the assassin's gun moved to point him instead.

The man said, "Down."

"I beg your pardon!"

"Beg my ass if you want to, I don't care. We're doing things our own way." He repeated, this time his eyes gesturing to his gun that now pointed at him, "Down."

The boy kneeled, a mixture of fear and irritation clutched his chest. But it wasn't only he that felt this, so did the Lord and Lady of the house. Their anger wouldn't hide away from their faces, Traitors!

But the assassin ignored whatever anger they showed, knowing there's nothing for them that can be done to escape. He glaced at another one of his fellow, gestured to Emilyn, then to the door, and said, "Take her." And they left the room.

Upon entering the hallway-a gun still pointed to her head as they headed their way some place else, she noticed the sluggish manner in which this man had gripped the gun. His hands loose, the gun's placement being lower than it should have been, and hands being in the wrong places. That was when she mentally rejoiced cause she knew: that this man doesn't know how to use it.

A few quick movements was all it took. She turned in an instant, smacked the man here and there, and it was done. How easy, she said to herself as her eyes lay fixated on the man that now layed unconscious on the floor. She bent down, with one hand, she grabbed ahold of the gun that now lay on the floor, the other hand, grabbing this man's feets and began dragging him away in some random room.

She locked the door behind her and then she began to strip. One by one, she removed parts of her clothing until she was left with her underwear. Afterwards, she began stripping her victim. She had stolen his clothes and dressed him with hers.

Initially, she was going to head on back, kill everyone in the room for treating her like shit. But then she realized that that isn't really legal. So she sneaked out of a windown on the ground floor after leaving the man passed out in some random room. Then she left.

Halfway through the walk though, she was already lost. She had successfully and peacefully left the grounds so easily that she had to laugh as she kept on walking. She hid the gun of course, broke it into pieces and disposed of them in different locations. It was only right to do so.

Then at the distance, she began noticing houses. The houses seemed poorer than she thought, not trying to say that they were ugly, of course, just, wasn't the type of houses near her fahter's mansion. And then she thought of the most important thing: her father's mansion. She had to stop at the intense stupidity: Girl didn't fucking know her dad's address.

Everytime she went out she was always brought in carraiges; which is already a very rare event. Most of the time, she did not go out at all. It's usually because she's either too busy, or she just doesn't want to. She had thought of everything: her future plans and businesses, he life, everything. But oh how she wanted to bang her head on a rock when she realized that she'd forgotten something as basic as tge location of her own house. Now she's lost. How could someone as smart as herself be so stupid!?

She had gestured to herself after a groan of irritation, "Me and my feces for brains!"

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