Chapter 23 : The Different Forms Of Silence

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When the head of a Titan was discovered inside the wall, the arrival of Pastor Nick in a hurry to inform the soldiers to rush in cover it up was not what they all expected. When they did, and Hange had a really stern talk with the Pastor on top of the wall, even threatening the man to speak via pushing him off the wall was mot enough for him to spit one word.

The next morning, the soldiers were moved to a different castle. One somewhere in the fielded area is wall rose. Emilyn knew there was no stopping it considering the fixed timeline. What fears her more was what was about to come and what could happen.

Especially to Blessica.

The soldiers were to be sent to the castle with Commander Minch in charge but Emilyn herself was instructed to stay behind alongside Levi and Commander Erwin no matter her pleads to go along.

"We have no choice." Lyn argued to the Commander, "It's either one of us, Levi and I, or we can both depart with your instructions."

Levi added, "She has a point. But that does give me a thought in mind..."

"Hm?" Erwin asked as he turned to face the two captains before him, "What is it?"

"Emilyn." Levi said as he faced her with eyes as suspicious as that of a man's concealed hatred, "What abomination did you eat? And why is it now that you're so eager?"

Lyn's raised a brow, and a smirk at his question. There was no denyig that her previous interactions were suspicious since Blessica arrived into her life again after years of being apart from her. She faced Levi with an even more suspicious smile, "Can I not?"

"Easier to say that it's out of character. Spit it. What are you hiding?"

Her body turned to face Levi. A hand clamping one elbow while the other, pacifying her chin. She was not about to say anything she'd regret- and while doing so, would be fun to tease the man before her. "Are you suggesting I'm depriving you of information? My!" She exclaimed, enough for everyone in the room to hear her voice clearly, "How ghastly! Indeed! I would never dare!"

"Considering you and your weirdness?" Levi said, "I wouldn't be surprised if you could predict the future."

She jerked her head, she couldn't help it. It was too on point. "Goodness, am I God now?" She teased, facing away, "Forgive me if I disappoint, but I have no such omnipotence."

It was Levi who turned to face her this time. He fully intended to ask her with little violence required, but from the looks of things, that's going to be difficult. "Dragging this on has no use, Lyn." He paused, a threatening glare directed to her, "What do you know?"

Lyn mocked, "I am afraid I do not know of what you are talking about, Commander Levi."

"So you're not gonna spit it out, huh?"

"My, you misunderstand... There is simply nothing to say."

"Even if I get a sword to your throat, is there still nothing to say?"

"Precisely. What wild imaginations you have indeed, Levi."



Then came a silence that encapsulated everyone in the room. No one would dare intervene in a fight like this- between one of the two strongest members of the Survey Corps. That'd be suicidal.

There was one man who can though, and he merely sighed before ushering away the one soldier who stood nearly in trwmblibg fear with just by listening to these two. He commanded, "Soldier, you may go for now." Then faced the two who can't seem to get themselves to look at each other at the moment, "We'll proceed as planned. Levi, calm yourself. Lyn, keep low."

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