Chapter 8: I Cant Believe You Did This Shit

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Author's Note: I wasn't that happy about last chapter. I'd like to hear what you guys think cause I think it's real freakin stupid. Idk what's going on with me anymore but I'm probably going to continue walking on glass for you guys. I cant say I love you cause I dont really know any of you but I love you anyways. Enjoy my trash as always *wink wink* ',;)


"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't think I'm in a mood for jokes. Lay down your heads." Blessica commands, her swords out and facing everyone in front of her, "Desertion is punishable by death."

"Huh? How could you say that!" Answers a really pretty looking Cadet boy who looks no older nor younger than her, "We couldn't do anything!" He says, his voice near trembling as he speaks, "The Titans have swarmed the supply room there's nothing we could've done."

"Dios ko..." Blessica cusses, "Do you think I care?" She adds, returning one of her swords to her case to lift up this one guy with her fist, "You had one job, pretty boy. One. I dont care if you die or not, that's not my problem here. Now you listen. You, along with the other cowards in this room, are going to GO IN THERE and KILL THOSE THINGS. YOU DONT HAVE A CHOICE."

"You talk so big, who do you think you are anyway?" She hears another voice from a different direction. It was a different guy. His face no prettier but instead, much more unfamiliar and uglier than this one she had her hands on.


She replies, "Huh?"

"If you dont have a problem with being scared then go get your supplies yourself then!"

The nerve of this oversized toddler that's undeserving of his life...

"SUNOVABITCH." She lets out, then lets go of the guy she planned on beating up and instead faces, this bastard right here, "Last I recall, THAT WASN'T WHAT I WAS ASSIGNED TO DO YOU SMART ASS! DAMN IT! YOU PIGS ARE WORSE THAN WHAT'S WORSE THAN LIVESTOCK! MIGHT AS WELL FEED YOU TO THE TITANS IF YOU'RE SO DAMN USELESS!"

"If you knew what sort of state we're in, you would've done the same!" Another voice came in. It was a woman this time, no, a girl. She had brown hair, chubby cheeks, freckles, tears on her eyes, and hair similar to Sasha's. Except she's not at all as attractive as Sasha can ever be.

"No. I would've ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT. GOD! YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME LOSE MY SHIT." She screams, and cant even help herself to stop her boiling anger. "YOU!" She yells, and points one of her other sword to random person in the room, "How much gas do you have left right now?"

He answers, "...Not much."

"USELESS." She replies, then adds, looking around, "Which one of you barely used your gas? Give it if you're not even thinking of fighting, you wannabes."

But there was no reply. Everyone remians silent cause no matter how useless they can be, no one was willing to give up their gas to someone who desperately needs it if it means they would still have the chance to use it for their own escape.

"Well?" She  pauses, "ANSWER ME."

However, there was still no answer. Everyone either ducks down to avoid her gaze, stays silent, or not even bother to listen or acknowledge her presence cause they thought it better than bothering with someone who's only here to cause a scene.

"So that's how it is..." she exhales a big one to tone herself down, then proceeds to point her sword at the broken window she just came in from, "Do you see that out there, ladies and gentlemen? Hm? Everything is in complete chaos and the weather is perfect."

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