Chapter 27 : Family Issues Are A Pain, Amirite?

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"Ah, shit. People." Vember mumbled aloud near Zeke's ear, pulling his hair in the process, "Ey! Lemme hide under the lusciousness that is your fur for a bit. Kay."

"Do what you must. Just keep out of sight."

She doesn't waste her time. She climbs into the curtains of fur near this man's neck and sticks only her face out. As soon as she does, her eyes glance back at the direction towards the tower ahead. For a moment she quints her eyes at it, seeming as though she's seen something familiar. But then her eyes pop and her hand began smacking Zeke's neck behind her, "Ah! Ey. Ey!" She called out, "EY! EYYY! It's the boysssss! Z! Ey, Z! It's the boys!" She was screaming at this point, "Should I wave? Should I wave? Should I? Maybe I should."

"No. Ignore them."

"I should wave."

"I said no!" Zeke exclaimed for a moment, then continued, "Do not wave. Do not scream. Stay hidden at all costs. We do not intend to blow their cover. We're heading to the wall."

"Oh my goodness..." she muttered.

"Do not ignore me. Vember."

"THEY LOOK SO TINY!" She parts his hair like the red sea, exiting, as if to walk down a red carpet, "I FEEL SO HUGE! WOW!" She goes,"THE EUPHORIA! THE ECSTASY! I'M SO TURNED ON RIGHT NOW..." Vember

Zeke ticked, "November!"

"Alright! Alright! Geeze! Damn boomer monkey on steroids..."

Eventually, Zeke began climing the moment he reached the wall. The stone began breaking and cracking on the surface as he did so effortlessly.

By this point though, November has squatted down while gripping tightly on a portion of his hair with one hand, while the other lay rested on her chin. She's eyeing the Titans that have been attacking the tower for a while now, "Ey. Donkey Kong. Ain't'cha makin' them Tits a little too loco?"

"What are you talking about?" He had to stop climing for a minute-as if to look at her when he can't-but then when he spots the Titans at the corner of his eye, he sighed and said, "Please don't sexualize even the Titans. I beg you. Speak normally..."

"Wha- what are you- I don't know what you're talking about."

"Let's just stop talking before you blabber on about something else."

"Wha---Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no- please, PLEASE, please. I ac- I don't mind talking."

"I do. Please shut up." He then began picking up latge boulders and throwing them at the tower.

"Ohp! There goes the people flying!" She commented as she leaned closer, her feet on their toes, "Ohp! oh no. Oh no, oh no... I think they're dead. They're dead. They're probably dead. Yep. Most likely dead. Prolly." Then an idea pops into her head, "Ey. Maybe, just maybe, okay? Okay. We will go- we will go to them- maybe even kneel- and ask forgiveness with VIOLENCE."

Zeke however, decides to ignore this. Instead, he proceeds to do his roar for the Titans to begin to attack. Then Vember immitates him jokingly and stops only when Zeke does, a burst of laugher escaping from her lip, "WHA! Ha-Ha! Ey! I can do Titan shit too! Look, Z! I'm doing the- I'm commanding the Tits!"

He proceeds to head his way down the wall. Vember though, was utterly disappiinted by how short their time there was that she began blabbering again. The more annoying kind of blabbering this time: the one that's faster, louder, and doesn't stop. He grew irritated eventually of course, asked her to stop but she refused, so he blew off, "Then I give up! Scream if you want to. I don't care. I've had enough of you for tonight."

Therr was a silence that managed to seep in between the both of them for no longer thans10 seconds, afterwards, she said out of the blue, slowly, "...Your fur feels nice by the way..."

"...Thank you."



"...Oh my god this is so romantic." She bursted out.

"No it's not."

"It is!" she exclaimed.

"It's not. Don't lump me in with you."

"No- But it is! It is! I mean, look at us! Look! We're- just, like, we're two people... taking a stroll together at night... under the moon... one us giving the other a piggy back ride... and one of us also has nice hair... look, even our kids are having fun-"

"What? No. Just-"

"There's no deniyingggg-"

"Let's stop this."

She let out a gasp.


Then she begins tearing up.

"What? What is it now?"

"I ju- I just told you- I told you that- that you're romantic and you decide- of all things- you decide to BREAK UP WITH ME?"


She goes, "You're so ungrateful. You're so ungrateful, Dingledick. You're s-YOU'RE SO UNGRATEFUL."

"I've had enough of your nonsense for today let's stop this-"

"I want a divorce!"


She lets out a huge sniff, blowing her hose on his hair. Then she does this thing where she lets out overly exaggerated gaspspspspsps that made Zeke question how he has managed to manage this woman in the years he's been working with her. He suddenly forgot.

"The pain... The agony..." she said, giving out huge sniffles that felt suspiciously closer to his ear. But when he ignored this, the cries started getting worse and worse, and not only that, so did the goop on his hair that began sticking themselves on his skin.


"I'm tired." She stopped completely.


"I'm tired. Are you tired? I'm tired. We're both tired. Tired. Dont worry, I forgive you- I'm just tired. But you better buy me dinner after this. I'm tried."

"Buy?" There's no such thing as 'buying' dinner in another island you are trying to destroy, so, "Where do I even buy-"

"Excuses! Excuses! Your emphasizing your loserness you sad, tootsie pop." She pats his shoulder with her tiny little hand, "Enough with that! No one likes that. Okay? No one. Now. Let's g- Let's do some more minor terrorism!"

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