Betrayed pt. 3

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"The cute couple Taegukk has been spotted in public with the CEO of Japple 'Jeon Jeongukk' holding the cute idol 'Kim Taehyung' by his waist. It was a total uwu moment for all the Taegukk lovers. Soon enough they also cleared that yes they're in a relationship which broke the internet so if you weren't able to catch that moment, your internet was probably broken. Sorry not sorry. And for more news regarding Taegukk, stay tuned with 'Yoonmin spies' thank you next bitch" Yoongi hyung says as Jimin ends it

"Yoonie hyung and Chim don't open a news channel" Tae giggles.

"Baby, let's go to the lovers wheel shall we?" Jeongukk. . .

"Yesh gukkie! Lesh gwooo!!"

"And we'll sit here, counting the leaves on that branch"

"Nope we won't babe! Come on lemme take you to the photo booth lil meow meow"

"Hey! I top you"
I throw my pillow away as tears seemed to fall like Niagara Falls from my eyes as I watched the video posted by yoongi hyung.

It's been a fucking week. I've tried calling him, but he has blocked my number. I'm such a wh***. (R: y'all would've killed me in the comments, if I didn't censor that out lol 😂)

I just want him back! I hate myself for fucking with yon-ji. She's just a slut, who is ready to open her legs for anyone.

(R: Yon-ji name is made up by me)

I have to make it right, well at least I can be his best man at his wedding day.

I wipe my tears away as I look around my room, finding that damn device.

Soon my eyes found it. My favorite device these days, a blade and some random pills I found, laying under the bed.

I bring the blade up to my wrists and I start cutting my wrists as deep as I can. I smile lightly, tears adorning my face as I felt the warm, red liquid flow out of my wrists.

"This cut is for my first mistake 'saying that I love yon-ji'" I mumble as I drag the blade down my wrists, deep.

"Another for saying 'I never loved you tae' but I did love you. I was just blinded when I didn't see it" I again cut but this time I wince alot.

"This one goes to mistake no. 3 'When I slapped you'" This time I pick up the blade with my shaking hand from which fresh blood was flowing out, as I cut my other wrist.

"Oh mistake no. 4 you're still left. This one for saying 'tae was never enough' lies. He was everything I could wish for" I cut again but this time, I look outside, a single tear falls down on my cheek.

I throw the blade away somewhere in the room as I lay down on my back, with my bleeding arms spread.

"It hurts like a bitch but I've hurted tae more. I deserve worst" Just when I was about to go to my terrace, I sat up and I felt dizzy, I brought my bleeding wrist to hold my forehead.

I close my eyes. Maybe this was how I was supposed to die. I chuckle as tears made their way down my cheeks again.

"Tae I'm sorry for every thing. I hope I go to heaven so I see you once again. My life was kinda short but I got so many blessings. Happy you were mine, it sucks that it's all ending. I hope my twinnie treats you well or else my soul will haunt him. I'm sorry to all my hyungs, hope you all will at least attend my f-funeral"

I sigh as I fall down on the floor, the abandoned blade with my blood, in front of my face. I smiled.

"I love you Tae" I close my eyes as I hear a faint voice.


Who do you think is that person? I totally didn't cry will writing this. I'm just too tough that my eyes blurred with tears.

Hope you guys liked this. I promise I'll end it with. . . DRUM ROLLSSSSS. . .


I also know it's Jeongguk not Jeongukk but in previous series I've wrote Jeongukk so I had to write that. Andddddd I also wrote Jeongukk in my book 😂😂😂😂😂😂.

Ayyyy ✌🏻

Take care loves! 💜💜💜


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