Tentacles [M]

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Please leave if you feel uncomfortable with the following:
..tentacled kook, elder kook, rough kook, bp tae, younger tae, deep throating, anal and pussy sex and more...

Taehyung sure loved nature, everything related to it.

He would wake up early in the morning and venture in the forests and he believes that it's magical.

The way the sun rises right in front of his eyes, the way he sees a path light up for his way back home.

Everything magical was happening due to a certain someone who had his eyes over the flawless beauty while the younger was exploring the forest.

And today, it was same like the other. He dressed up before the sunrise and ran into the forest with his camera.

He looked around and frowned seeing none of the beautiful little birds.

He shrugged it off as he continued to venture deeper.

After a while, he stopped for seeing the sunrise.

It was until when he realized something was snaking around his right ankle.

He looked down and to his horror something what seemed like a snake wasn't a snake at all, It rather looked like a..tentacle?

Taehyung looked at the tentacle wrapped around his ankle in awe. He was a little scared but more fascinated.

He was about to take a picture when another tentacle came from the same direction and flung his camera away making the other gasp and pout.

"Hey! That's not nice at all! I swear to my plushies if my camera is broken I'm gonna chop your snake arm things off!"

He threatened but the tentacled man who wasn't visible to tae was looking at him amused.

Well the tentacled man went by the name of Jeon Jungkook —the king of the forest— who first saw taehyung playing around a lake.

Since then he's been admiring the beauty from afar but he couldn't hold himself back anymore. He wanted taehyung all for himself.

Just as taehyung shakes his leg out of the grip, jungkook let his other tentacles wrap around the other lifting him up in the air.

Taehyung's eyes widened, feeling scared because he wasn't able to see who was doing it.

He let out a scream when he was pulled more deeper into the forest, stopping in front of what seemed like a cave.

Taehyung looked around. He thought it was over but jungkook was laughing looking at the confused expression on the little human.

Jungkook pulls taehyung inside the dark cave?..

"H-hello?" Taehyung felt shivers went down his spine when he felt warm breath hit his neck.

Jungkook smiled and snaked his arms around the others waist after retracting his tentacles.

"Hey baby" Jungkook speaks up huskily and places a kiss on his neck.

Taehyung gasps and moves around in the grasp of the tentacles.

He looks around the cave which wasn't a cave at all thanks to his mind who thought he was pulled into a cave. It was a whole ass modern house.

"Looks like you love your new hangout house" Jungkook smiles more.

"What the fuck?! Who are you? L-leave me alone!" He tries to look at who was behind him.

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