Young love

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Thank you spaghettitae for requesting.
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Angst..just pure angst, younger kook, elder tae.

Jungkook rested his head on his arms hearing his first love, his first accidental kiss, his best childhood friend go off about how excited he was for the sleepover they were having later that day.

''you know I'm so happy now that we're having sleepovers again, these exams have been getting the best of me and I wanna have some fun''

Taehyung, Kim Taehyung babbled while sipping onto his milkshake, eyes falling onto the bunny boy infront of him.

He noticed how his bambi eyes were fixed upon him, listening to him attentively.


''oh hey guys..I didn't expect you both to be here'' Jeon Junghyun, Jungkook's elder brother came upto them in the café.

'here we go again' Jungkook thought looking at his brother and Taehyung who were now sitting beside each other, whispering something to each other right in front of him.

Jungkook scoffed slightly and looked away, quietly getting up with his laptop and notebooks and exited the café without them both noticing as they were busy with each other.

Jungkook kicked a stone which came in his way trying to distract the image of Taehyung being with his brother.

''think positive kook'' he thought to himself and focused on kicking the stone.

He reached home in no time and went straight to his room, deciding that today will be the day he confesses his feelings to the elder because he knew he couldn't stay in Seoul to complete his studies.

Luckily his Yoongi hyung was kind enough to sacrifice his sleep for the younger's sake and found a college for him near him and their friends.

Jungkook applied for it and was easily admitted a few weeks ago but he didn't tell taehyung as he wanted it to be a surprise.

But seeing how the other didn't even care for him these all months after that accidental drunk kiss, he kept it with him.

"We're home!" Jungkook heard his brother but he didn't bother to answer as he was busy packing his stuff.

"Kook?" Taehyung walked inside the house looking around.

"I'll go bring some snacks" Junghyun said and walked away.

Taehyung's eyes trailed every little detail of the house making his way upstairs.

"Jungkookie?" He called out as he walked inside jungkook's room after knocking a few times.

"what're you doing here?" Jungkook quickly asked, hiding his necessary college documents under his pillow.

"I was looking for you, do you even know how worried I was?" Taehyung crossed his arms leaning against the door.

Jungkook kept his gaze low, staring at his clothes scattered around the bed.

'Lie' Jungkook thought..he could easily tell if the elder was lying or not because of his lack of speech.

"Hyung..I wanna tell you something before I g-"

"Tae! Snacks are ready!" Junghyun called for Taehyung.

"I'll be there in a few minutes!" He replied before closing the door behind him.

"What is it?" He asked looking at him unamused.

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