Caretaker [M]

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Thank you MrsArkarbane for requesting

Please leave if you feel uncomfortable with the following: very soft sex, blind tae, caretaker koo..yeah and that's all...also I'll try to fit in some angst as well-

Jungkook's eyes shot open hearing a bang coming from the other room.

"Fuck me lord!" He groaned in desperation of sleep as he races out of the room messily putting on a shirt.

He dashed through the door eyes widening at the sight.

"hyung!" He yelled rushing to him as the elder had broken a lamp and injured himself.

"Oh god hyung why!" Jungkook puts him on the bed and runs to the bathroom to grab a frequently used thing ; a first aid kit.

He ran back and sits down on the bed, taking a look at his feet, practically wincing while looking away.

Jungkook picks up the tweezers, clutching the glass pieces and pulling them one by one himself feeling the pain rather than who should be feeling it, Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung, a wannabe photographer, wanted to capture the beauty of the world, beauty of today's dark world but alas the darkness of the world captured him first while greeting him in a life threatening accident.

And the worried bunny boy goes by the name of Jeon Jungkook, a university dropout only to be taking care of Taehyung.

Why? you may ask..well taehyung was his senior and helped him throughout his highschool years but never really got to know him alot.

Was it out of sympathy? Maybe..maybe during the starting Jungkook thought it was just because he wanted to repay what the elder did for him.

Oh how wrong he turned out to be, realizing he couldn't spend a day without seeing tae's adorable boxy smile, his deep voice, those beautiful honey brown eyes which held the universe within them.

It's been roughly a month since the elder had lost his vision and all his hopes of being a famous photographer he'd dreamed of.

He harms himself, blames himself for getting drunk that day, blames himself for that horrifying accident, blames himself for not turning the steering wheel in time, blames himself for running into jungkook with his car.

Jungkook looks at the elder who sat there emotionless.

He sighed softly wrapping bandages around his injured feet. He wished he could do something to fulfill tae's dream.

He knows how disheartening it is to let go of one's dream.

Meanwhile Taehyung was lost into the enveloping world of darkness accompanied by his thoughts.

'why didn't jungkook get mad at him for risking both of their lives?'

'he just woke up from a coma two days after the accident, he still is the one taking care of me while I should be the one doing so..maybe it's just because he's living with me, yeah he's just trying to be nice nothing more'

How much taehyung wanted to admire jungkook's features like he used to during the lectures, blushing and looking away once jungkook would catch him.

"hyung..I'll bring your breakfast" He heard jungkook say, snapping him out of his thoughts and felt his warmth leaving him.

"Mhm" was the only thing that came out of the elder.

Jungkook sighed and picks up the glass pieces, discarding them into the dustbin and soon bringing his breakfast.

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