Murderer? or Ma-

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'Another murder has been taken place in the same alley and during the day and the certain time. Whoever the killer is, they're on a murder spree. One person is getting murdered each day. This is the 9th murder on the 9th da-'

I sigh as I switch off the tv. I look at the articles scattered in front of me. I now have total of nine articles of the murders.

Why am I doing this? I don't know. I seriously have no idea why I'm so into these cases. But I feel like I should try to solve them.

You know that feeling when there is a problem with someone else but your curious ass wants to help, that's what's happening with me right now.

I look at the articles and I try to match the time and the dates.

'10, 10, 21, 14, 7, 11, 15, 15, 11' if these are the time when the kills took place each day, then they should definitely mean something.

Now if the time has a pattern or something, the days should too. The murder leaves the name of the day near the body but with some uppercases.

'MOnday TuesDAY WednEsdAy Thursday frIday sATurdAy SunDay. MONdAy TuEsdaY wEdNesday THursday, fRIday'

I frown as I counted 12 days but there were only 9 murders. So the three extra days, the killer has done something else too apart from killing nine people.

While working on these articles, I got a message. I pick my phone to check who it was from.

It was the new student I met like roughly 12 days ago. We had the same intrests so we instantly had a connection.

He is very cute- WAIT! HE'S MY FRIEND! ugh! Get a hold of yourself.
Hey tae! :)

Loml Tae:
Hey kook!

How are you? Its been so long since we've met.

Loml Tae:
We only met yesterday kook!

Haha I know but I wanna see you! I can't have enough of you ;)

Loml Tae:
As much as I wanna meet you too, I'm afraid I can't!

Why Tae?

Loml Tae:
You haven't been watching the news am I right Mr. Kookie monster?! There is a murderer on a killing spree and I think its almost his killing time.

Umm I know, pretty. I just miss you. Can I come over?

Loml Tae:
Nah-ah! I don't want you to die! I want my kookie to be safe!

My kookie huh? ;)

Loml Tae:
Aish! Its autocorrect!

Well your autocorrect is right I'm yours. Take care darling. If you need anything call me i'll be omw to you. Love you <3

Loml Tae:
Ok kookie. Take care of yourself too <3


I chuckle softly at jungkook's cuteness as I go back to the articles.

Let's see the time first.

'10, 10, 21, 14, 7, 11, 15, 15, 11'

10? J?

Well if I try corresponding the numbers to the alphabetical values maybe then I can get something?
Jungkook's pov.

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