Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Another day passes, and it's time for the club meeting already. I've gotten a little more comfortable here over the past couple days. Entering the clubroom, the usual scene greets me.

Sayori: "Hi John~"

John: "Yo, Sayori."

"Looks like you're in a good mood today."

Sayori: "Ehehe~"

"I'm just still not used to you being in the club, that's all."

John: "I see..."

"...That's a pretty simple thing to get you in a good mood."

"But I guess it's always the simple things with you, anyway."

Sayori: "Speaking of which..."

"I'm kinda hungry..."

"Will you come with me to buy a snack?"

John: "No thanks."

Sayori: "Eh??"

"T-That's not like you at all!!"

John: "I have my reasons."

"Why don't we take a look at your purse, Sayori?"

Sayori: "E-Eh?"

"Why that...all of a sudden?"

John: "No reason, really."

"I just wanted to look at it."

Sayori: "A-Ah..."

Sayori nervously retrieves her coin purse. She fumbles with the latch and gets it open. Then, she turns it upside-down and lets its contents spill onto the desk. Only two dimes fall out.

Sayori: "A-Ahaha..."

John: "I knew it..."

"I can see right through you, Sayori."

Sayori: "That's not fair!"

"How did you even know?"

John: "It's simple."

"If you had enough money in the first place, you would have bought a snack before coming to the clubroom."

John: "So, either you're not hungry and wanted an excuse to take a walk..."

"Or, you planned to conveniently forget that you spent all your money, so that I would lend you some!"

"But there's one more thing..."

"...You're always hungry!"

"And so, that only leaves the one option!"

Sayori: "Uwaaa~!"

"I give up!"

"Don't make me feel guiltyyy!"

John: "If you feel guilty, that means you deserve to feel guilty..."

Yuri: "Ahaha."

Yuri suddenly giggles.

John: "Eh?"

I didn't notice that she was listening in. Her face is in her book, as always.

Yuri: "A-Ah!"

"I wasn't listening or anything--!"

"It was just...something in my book..."

Sayori: "Yuriiii..."

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