Chapter 12

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 A couple of weeks pass. Nothing unusual has happened. I walked to and home from school with Sayori. I ate lunch with Yuri every school day. During the literature club, I would hang out with Monika and Natsuki. On the weekends, I just watched anime and played video games. It is now the end of October, Halloween in fact. I am currently walking to school with Sayori. She is dressed as a cute cinnamon bun. I am dressed as a knight.

John: "Hey Sayori."

"Ever heard of the movie, The Unholy Assault?"

Sayori: "Ah..."

"I cannot say I have..."

John: "You want to come over to my house to watch it?"

"I heard it's good and scary!"

Sayori looked slightly uneasy.

Sayori: "A-Ahhh..."

"What if I get scared?"

John: "I'll be there Sayori, nothing will happen to you."

Sayori: "Ahhh."

"Okay then!"

John: "I'll start the movie at 8."

Sayori: "I'll be there!"

Sayori and I approach the school. We have to part ways now.

Sayori: "See you my knight in shining armor~!"

I laugh. It is cute hearing her say that.

John: "See you later!"

I go my own way and enter my classroom. Today should be a good one! I wonder if the club will do anything special? Time passes by and it is time for lunch. I enter the courtyard to find Yuri sitting under the tree. She is wearing a bloody wedding dress with a kitchen knife as an accessory. Not going to lie. The wedding dress is tight on the torso. It does not leave left to the imagination. As I approach Yuri, I am holding my nose to make sure I don't get a nosebleed.

John: "Hi Yuri!"

Yuri: "O-Oh, hey John..!"

"I like your costume."

John: "Yours too!"

"Is it from a book you read?"

Yuri: "Why yes actually..."

"I-I am a character named Miranda from a book called The Cemetery's Wife."

John: "That's pretty cool!"

Her costume is great...Really great!

John: "Want me to grab some tea for us?"

Yuri: "S-Sure thing...!"

I quickly get in line for tea in the cafeteria. Thankfully, there is barely a line and I am able to grab the tea and go back to Yuri quickly.

John: "Here you go!"

Yuri takes the tea from me and takes a sip.

Yuri: "T-Thanks...John."

John: "No problem."

I sit next to her under the tree.

John: "At 8 tonight..."

"Sayori and I were going to watch The Unholy Assault tonight."

"Would you like to come by my place and watch it with us?"

Yuri visibly smiles.

Yuri: "I-I've actually been meaning to see that movie..."

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