Chapter 11

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   Almost a week passes by. It is now Thursday. So far this week has been rather average. Everyone seemed happy and satisfied. I got to walk to and from school with Sayori, chat with Monika, read with Yuri during lunch and read with Natsuki during the club. Right now, I am on my way to hang out with Yuri during our lunch time. I have 2 cups of oolong tea in my hands, one for me, and one for Yuri. I walk out into the small courtyard to see Yuri sitting under the tree as per usual. I approach her.

John: "Hi there Yuri!"

"How are you doing today?"

Yuri: "U-Uhh hi John..!"

"I'm doing okay..."

John: "This is for you."

I sit next to Yuri and hand her a cup of tea.

Yuri: "T-Thanks John."

John: "No problem."


"I think we can finally finish The Portrait of Markov today."

Yuri: "I agree."

"W-We are close to the end."

"Let's begin, shall we?"

John: "I'm all ready."

Yuri and I assume the normal reading position and begin to polish off the story. The story ends off in a very sad manner. The girl ends up in a mental asylum for the rest of her life. Her trust issues, physical and mental abuse has caused her to have an unknown and incurable mental illness. It is sad because at the beginning of the story, she was escaping from a human experiment camp. This poor girl has never had it easy. I can't say that I wouldn't have acted differently in this situation. Despite the book being very grim, it was entertaining and it was fun to read with Yuri. I will definitely keep this book on my shelf for years to come, especially since it was something Yuri got for me. Yuri and I close the book once we finish the entire book.

John: "Wow..."

"Just wow..."

"I really enjoyed the book Yuri!"

Yuri: "I-I'm glad you did, John."

The bell rings. Shoot. I guess the ending of the book took longer than I thought it would.

John: "We can discuss the book next lunch?"

Yuri: "Sure thing."

"S-See you later."

John: "Yup!"

I get up, wave to Yuri and walk back into the school to attend my next class. Before I know it, the school day ends and it is time for the literature club again. I enter the room to find that I am the last one here.

Monika: "Hey John!"

John: "Sorry for being late!"

Monika: "Oh no, you're not late."

Monika: "You can get started with Natsuki if you'd like~!"

Monika winks at me. That was a little strange. The ironic part is that I want to spend a little time with her. Oh well. I walk over to Natsuki.

John: "Hey Natsuki!"

"Ready to get started?"

"I think I can catch up to where the manga is by the end of today!"

Natsuki: "Ok, let's begin then."

Is it just me or is Natsuki a lot more calm around me? Maybe because she is starting to get to know me better? Well, I am happier she is this way now. I give Natsuki the mangas I read last night and she retrieves the last three volumes. We sit on the floor and begin to read. The time goes by fast. We sit in silence the entire time, focused on what we are reading. Even though Parfait Girls is nowhere near as complex as The Portrait of Markov, it is interesting in its own way. It is more light hearted and fun. Just before Monika begins to speak, we finish.

Monika: "See you all tomorrow!"

John: "Wow..."

"That was much better than I thought it would be!"
"I should give you more credit on your tastes!"

Natsuki: "You know it!"

"I have the best manga taste out of everyone!"

I laugh.

John: "I'll see you tomorrow."

Natsuki waves as I walk to go get Sayori. Yuri looks like she already left. I'll see her tomorrow.

John: "Ready to go?"

Sayori: "Yes!"

Sayori and I walk out of the school and onwards to our houses. Sayori and I chatted a little about our day. Turns out, she has had a boring day. As I walk her to her house and we part ways, I think about how my own day went. Besides finishing the books with Yuri and Natsuki, today was kind of boring. Not much happened. Like I said on the first day after I joined the club, I bet good fortune will find me!

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