Chapter 30

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   Monika: "Pick me, John!"

"I want to be happy with you at my side!"

Natsuki: "John, pick me!"

"We can read all the manga you want if you pick me!"

Yuri: "J-John...please pick me..."

"I-I'll satisfy you.. As many times as you want!"

Sayori: "Please pick me, John!"

"I always wanted to be more than friends with you.."

Monika: "Pick me!

Natsuki: "Pick me!"

Yuri: "Pick me!"

Sayori: "Pick me!"

Monika: "Pick ME!"

Natsuki: "Pick ME!"

Yuri: "Pick ME!"

Sayori: "Pick ME!"

Monika: "PICK ME!"

Natsuki: "PICK ME!"

Yuri: "PICK ME!"

Sayori: "PICK ME!"

Monika: "PICK ME!!!"

Natsuki: "PICK ME!!!"

Yuri: "PICK ME!!!"

Sayori: "PICK ME!!!"

I wake up in the middle of the night in a state of panic.

John: "W-What the hell...?!"

"Am I really being haunted over this decision?!"


"I need to make a decision sooner or later..."

I drift back off to sleep and wake up later.

     Saturday came by fairly quickly. This week flew. Everyone was in a good mood over the positive feedback from the Spring Festival. During the week, I decided to make a reservation and take Yuri and Natsuki to a place called Giacomo's. It is an upscale italian restaurant. Right now it is the late afternoon. I am leaving to pick up Yuri from her house. I'm more of a simple guy and I don't like fancy clothes. I am currently wearing a polo shirt with some slacks. Hopefully that is good enough to enter the restaurant. I exit my house and begin my walk to Yuri's.

John: "Sigh..."

"It's a beautiful day out."

"Sun is shining..."

"No clouds..."

"Hopefully today goes well."

Soon enough, I reach Yuri's house and I knock on the door. A tall woman with black hair answers the door.

???: "Hello?"

John: "Hi."

"My name is John!"

"I'm Yuri's friend!"

???: "Ahh!"

"I thought I have seen you with Yuri before."

"I'm Yuri's mother."

John: "Nice to meet you."

Mom: "Likewise!"

"You know..."

"My daughter talks about you an awful lot..."

"...And she is single."

Yuri: "M-Mother...?!"

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