Chapter 10

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   I am standing outside of Sayori's house, waiting for her to get ready to walk to school. Yuri texted me her address and told me to go over house around 4:30. I also finished the volumes and I am ready to move on with the next ones for Natsuki. Sayori's door opens and she emerges.

Sayori: "Good morning John~!"

"Another Friday!"

John: "Yup!"

"Then the weekend will come!"

"Ready to walk?"

Sayori: "Yup!"

We walk to school admiring the scenery. On our way home, I want to walk with Sayori through the park. I love the scenery at the beginning of October. Soon enough, we are at school once again.

Sayori: "I'll see you after school!"

John: "Bye!"

We part ways and start our school day. Before I know it, it is lunch time.

John: "I should get Yuri something from the cafeteria."

I go to the cafeteria and get Yuri a cup of tea. I head over to where Yuri usually is. Yuri is in the same spot, eating an eggroll.

Yuri: "H-Hey John..."

John: "Hi, Yuri!"

I hold the cup out to Yuri.

Yuri: "F-For me...?"

John: "Yes, it's tea. Enjoy."

Yuri takes the tea and blushes as she drinks it.

Yuri: "T-Thank you..."

John: "No problem!"

"When do you want to continue reading the book?"

Yuri: "Can I eat first, a-and then we can start...?"

John: "Sure!"

"Take your time!"

I take a seat next to Yuri and open my backpack to find my lunch bag missing.

John: "Crap."

"I left my lunch bag at home."

Yuri: "..."


"Here then."

Yuri extends her hand out to me. In her hand are 2 egg rolls.

John: "Y-You sure?"

Yuri: "It's fine..."

"Afterall, you bought me tea."

John: "Yuri..."

"Thank you."

I gratefully take them from her hand and begin eating them. A few minutes pass by and we finish our meal. I take out my copy of The Portrait of Markov and we continue reading together. We are making a lot of progress this time. I think we could finish the book by tonight even. Despite the story getting sadder, it is also getting remarkably better. I can tell Yuri is happy that I am into the story and enjoying it. We sit in silence, continuing to read until the bell rings.

John: "I guess we will stop here for now."

I bookmark the page with a pen. I place the book in my bag and stand up.

John: "I'll see you at the club Yuri."

Yuri: "Bye..."

I get up and leave to go to my next class. When I arrive and sit at my desk and ponder. Yuri really is an awesome girl. I love hanging out with her. She may be shy, but she is passionate and sophisticated. She deserves more friends. I think that will help her come out of her shell more.

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