Chapter 23

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It is now Saturday, March 3rd. Things have been going well so far. I still enjoy going to the club, walking with Sayori, having lunch with Yuri, discussing manga with Natsuki and hanging out with Monika. Yesterday, Yuri and I made a plan to hangout today. I wake up to see that the remaining snow from winter has melted overnight.

John: "Today should be a good one."

I see a notification on my phone. It's from Yuri. I read the text.

John, I don't think I can hangout today. Something came up. I'll make it up to you sometime, I promise.

I sigh. Damnit. I was looking forward to seeing her. I sigh again.

John: "Guess I need some breakfast."

I walk downstairs to check if I have anything to make myself. Turns out I have nothing.

John: "Oh well..."

A thought hits me.

John: "I kind of feel like going to the Eastside Cafe..."

I dress myself in somewhat presentable clothes and exit my house. I walk to the cafe in peaceful silence, studying my environment. Soon enough, I stumble upon the cafe and enter.

Waitress: "H-Hi! Welcome to the Eastside Cafe-"

It's the mysterious waitress! She has a shocked look on her face. I elect to ignore it...for now.

John: "Hi there!"

"Table for one, please?"

The waitress nods.

Waitress: "Follow me."

The waitress seats me at a table and gives me a menu.

Waitress: "Would you like to start off with a drink?"

John: "Sure..."

"I'll take orange juice."

Waitress: "Sure thing!"

As the waitress turns around and scurries away, I see a ponytail of familiar purple hair protrude from the back of the waitress' hat.

John: "Could that be..."


"How did I not recognize her before?"

"Honestly... she does look cute with glasses and a ponytail."

Quickly after my speculation, "Yuri" comes back with my orange juice.

"Yuri": "H-Here you go..."

I smile.

John: "Thank you!"

Her face turns red.

"Yuri": "Mhm..."

"So do you know what you want?"

John: "Sure."

"I'll just take an omelet."

The waitress takes my menu and smiles.

"Yuri": "I'll put it back for you."

As she walks away, I think more and more about the idea of the waitress being Yuri. All my doubts are gone. The hair, the eyes, the facial structure, her height, her...bust size... It has to be Yuri. When she brings me my food, I'm going to bring it up. I look around the cafe. I am the only one here. I might be their first customer today. In a matter of 5 minutes, the waitress arrives with my food.

Waitress: "Here you go."

She sets my omelet on the table.

John: "Thank you."

Waitress: "Anything else I can help with?"

Here's my chance.

John: "Actually, there is."

The waitress cocks her head slightly.

John: "You can sit down if you'd like."

The waitress pulls up a seat and sits at my table."

Waitress: "Okay..."

"W-What do you need."

I just notice something peculiar that this waitress has done everytime I come here. She has a blank name tag, except she doesn't. She intentionally flips it over. I look at her chest to see the name tag flipped over. I look into her eyes with a devilish smile. The waitress looks increasingly nervous.

John: "All I want you to do..."

"Is flip your name tag over."

The waitress blushes and lets out a sigh.

Waitress: "F-Fine..."

As I guessed, when she flips the tag over, a familiar name greets my eyes, Yuri. The mystery of the mysterious waitress has been solved!

John: "Aha!"

"I knew it was you!"

"That explains why you couldn't hang out today."

"Because you had to work!"

Yuri nervously laughs a little.

Yuri: "Y-You got me..."

"I-I'm the one that has served you every time you came here."

John: "Why did you keep this a secret Yuri?"

"I think this is a great thing."

Yuri: "I-I uhhh..."

"D-Didn't want anyone to make fun of me..."

"D-Distract me while I'm working..."

"Or target me at my job."

John: "I kind of get it."

Yuri grabs my hand and gently squeezes it.

Yuri: "P-Promise me..."

"You won't tell the others it's me."

John: "You have my word."

Yuri lets go.

Yuri: "I won't bother you anymore."

Yuri stands up and pushes the chair in.

Yuri: "By the way..."

"I'm also working tomorrow..."

"But I promise we can do something t-this upcoming week!"

John: "You got it."

Yuri starts walking away.

John: "By the way..."

Yuri: "H-Huh..?"

John: "You look great in that outfit!"

Yuri blushes and turns her head.

Yuri: "U-Uhhh..."

"Thank you..."

Yuri disappears behind the doors leading to the kitchen area. I eat my omelet, drink my orange juice and pay the cashier for my meal. I go back to the table, pull out 30 dollars and leave it on the table. Yuri comes back out to clean the table and sees the 30 dollars.

Yuri: "I-Is that for me..?"

I nod.

Yuri: "I-I can't accept this...!"

Yuri tries to give the money back but I shove it back at her.

John: "You're a great waitress!"

"You deserve it!"

Yuri: "T-Thank you..."

John: "I'll see you Monday, okay?"

Yuri nods.

Yuri: "S-See you then..."

I make my way out of the cafe and exit the building. I'm glad I solved the mystery of the waitress! I will keep Yuri's promise and I won't tell the other girls it's her. I pick up some eggs and milk and then I go home for the rest of the day to play games.  

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