Chapter 13

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     It is now the middle of November. Today is a Saturday, so I do not have school. I got a text from Sayori this morning saying that she is busy and cannot hang out today. I guess I will spend today by myself. It's already 1 and I have barely anything to do. I sigh.

John: "Guess I should go to the convenience store..."

"I need to pick up some groceries anyway."

I grab my wallet and walk out my door and continue down the street.

John: "Seems like today is going to be one of those days..."

"I guess I'll make the most out of it."

I continue to walk into town. I reach the convenience store.

John: "Hmmm..."

"Let's see..."




"And bread."

I walk around the store, gathering the items I need. After I get everything I need, I see a delectable treat in the corner of my eye.

John: "Pockys?"

"I haven't had these in forever!"

As I reach for a box of Pockys, another hand tries to grab them too. The hand looks like it is a woman's. We both pull our hands back and I look at her.

John: "I'm sorry."

"I didn't know you w-"

I know this girl. Is that...Monika?! She has her hair down. It looks... cute.

Monika: "John?"


"How are you doing?"

John: "H-Hey."

"I'm not doing bad."

"You here for groceries as well?"

Monika: "Honestly, I'm just here for some Pockys."

"They are my absolute favorites!"

I pick out the box Monika initially reached for.

John: "Here you go!"

"I think your hand was on it first."

Monika: "Thanks John!"

I also grab a box for myself.

Monika: "So..."

"Since you're here."

"Are you free?"

"We haven't talked too much in school."

John: "I am free."

"And yeah."

"It would be good to hangout."

Monika: "Great!"

"I know a cute little cafe we can go to!"

John: "Sure thing!"

Monika and I pay for our items and exit the convenience store.

Monika: "Are you ready to go?"

John: "Yup."

"Let's go."

As we walk to the cafe, Monika talks to me about this book she is reading. It is a book about a boy who lives in Europe during World War I. He has to learn how to survive during a time of turmoil in his country. There are plenty of twists, turns and tragedies. Honestly...Monika may have sold me on this book. The conversation trails off though as we reach the cafe.

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