Chapter 19

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I am standing in front of Sayori's house, waiting for her to emerge. It is the first school day of the new year. Winter break is now over. Back to normal I guess. After about 20 minutes of waiting for Sayori, I decide to give up. I send a text to her phone, "I couldn't wait for you. I would've been late. See you at the club." I begin my walk to school. It is chilly with a thin layer of snow on the ground. I walk cautiously so I do not slip on any hidden ice. Soon enough, I arrive at my school. I enter my classroom and sit down. The teacher's lecture begins and I mindlessly listen...

After what feels like years, it is now lunch time. I enter the small courtyard where Yuri and I sit.

John: "Hey Yuri, I-"

Yuri is nowhere to be seen. I shiver.

John: "Hopefully, I'll see her at the club."

My phone buzzes. It is a text from Natsuki. It reads, "So, from yesterday... Do you still want my help?" I said what I meant yesterday. I type back "Yes" and send it. I go back inside and sit with some other friends. Even though I am surrounded by my friends, I feel lonely. It's not the same without Yuri. Soon enough lunch ends and I attend the rest of my classes. The rest of the school day goes by quickly. Soon enough, it is time for the club to start. I enter the club room.

John: "Hello?"

No one seems to be here. I sit at a desk and wait until someone else comes. A few minutes later, I see a tall, familiar girl enter the room.

John: "Yuri?"

Yuri's face turns bright red.

Yuri: "J-John..?!"

Yuri turns around.

Yuri: "I-I should get going..!"

"I'll l-leave you alo-"

I quickly run up and grab Yuri's arm.

John: "No."

"You're not going anywhere."

"We need to talk."

Yuri's resistance disappears. She turns around and looks at me.

Yuri: "O-Okay..."

Yuri follows me as we both sit on top of two desks, facing each other.

John: "Listen Yuri."

"I'm glad we have become good friends in the past few months."

"I'm not looking for that to end anytime soon."

"I also want you to know that I was never mad about what you did."

Yuri: "Y-You...weren't?"

John: "No."

"Why would I be?"

"It's not like you hurt me."

Yuri: "B-But..."

"I did it just so...randomly."

John: "It's okay, really."

"I do have one more question though."

Yuri cocks her head with curiosity.

John: "Do you..."

"Happen to have any feelings for me?"

Yuri's face turns as red as a tomato.

Yuri: "I-"



Yuri is silent for a moment, I give her the time to collect her thoughts.

Yuri: "It's complicated..."

"I've been alone for so long..."

"I-I'm honestly not sure how to feel..."

I take a deep breath.

John: "Yuri, I understand what you mean."


I put out my hand.

John: "How about for now, we just forget about this whole situation and go back to being friends?"

Yuri slowly puts her hand in mine and we shake on it.

Yuri: "Sure."

Yuri and I both release and put our hands back at our sides.

Yuri: "I-I wonder where everyone else is."

John: "Me too."

I check my phone to see a flirtatious text from Natsuki; "Go get her tiger~". That explains why no one else is here. Natsuki wanted to help me by trying to get Yuri and I alone.

Yuri: "Did you get a text from Monika...?"

John: "Yeah..."

"I think it's just the two of us today."

Yuri: "A-Alright then..."

Yuri reaches into her backpack and grabs out a skinny book.

Yuri: "W-Would you like to read this with me then...?"

"It's o-only 50 pages..."

"And afterwards, we can..."

"Discuss it?"

John: "Sure."

Yuri hands me the book.

Yuri: "I'll read with you at your pace."

John: "Alright then."

The cover says the title The Missing Bartin. Must be a fantasy. I do remember Yuri telling me she loves fantasies. I open the book and we begin reading. I try to read a little faster than usual so I don't keep Yuri waiting. Time passes by quickly as we read through the short novel. It actually is a very intriguing novel. I have an idea on what to discuss with Yuri once we are done. Soon enough, we finish the novel and close the book. Yuri looks at her phone to see the time. It is way past the normal end time of the club.

Yuri: "I-I'm sorry John..."

"I have to leave."

"W-We can discuss the novel tomorrow at lunch!"

John: "Okay."

Yuri: "Tomorrow it is supposed t-to snow."

"H-How about we meet in the west wing cafe until Spring starts?"

John: "Sure thing!"

Yuri puts the book in her bag, picks it up and races out the door.

Yuri: "I'll s-see you tomorrow!"

John: "Bye."

After a few seconds I mutter to myself.

John: "Thanks Natsuki."

I'm glad Yuri still wants to be friends with me. Even though I told Yuri to forget the kiss, it will be something that I will never forget. I'm also curious about her "complicated" feelings for me... I'll have to ask her when the time is right.

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