Chapter 22

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 I wake up. The date is now February 14, Valentine's Day. I usually don't care for Valentine's Day, but given my current situation, maybe it will be different? I'll see what happens today. I immediately get out of bed and do my daily routine for getting ready for school. In 20 minutes, I am outside of Sayori's house, waiting for her to emerge.

John: "Please get up today..."

A couple of minutes later, I see Sayori emerge from her house.

Sayori: "Heyyy John~!"

"Ready for school today?"

John: "I don't have a choice, do I?"

Sayori laughs.

Sayori: "Ehehe~"

"When you aren't a meanie..."

"You can be funny!"

John: "I guess so..."

Sayori and I begin our walk to school.

John: "Did you have time to eat breakfast?"

By looking at Sayori's unkempt hair, I can guess the answer.

Sayori: "Nope!"

"I had to rush everything to get ready in time!'

John: "Well then..."

I reach into my bag and grab out some toast I had wrapped in tin foil.

John: "Here you go."

I hand it to Sayori.

Sayori: "Thanks John!"

"You're always so thoughtful!

Sayori consumes the toast.

Sayori: "You know..."

"Today is Valentines Day~"

John: "Yeah, so?"

Sayori smirks.

Sayori: "Do you plan on asking anyone out~?"

My face turns red.

John: "Sa-Sayori?!"

"I don't..! I-"

Sayori laughs.

Sayori: "You should see your face!"


John: "Grrrr...."

That girl, I swear sometimes she drives me crazy. Soon enough, we arrive at the school and it is time to depart from Sayori.

John: "I'll see you later okay?"

Sayori: "Byeee~!"

I walk to my first period class and sit at my desk.

Time passes by. It is now lunch time. I meet up with Yuri at our school's west wing cafe. I see her at our table set for 2.

Yuri: "H-Hey John...!"

"I hope your day is going well."

John: "Hi Yuri."

"Mine is bearable."

Yuri giggles.

Yuri: "I-I guess that's what matters..."

John: "Yep."

I see Yuri is using a laptop and wearing glasses (which is cute I might add).

John: "What's the laptop for?"

Yuri: "Oh, nothing really."

"I'm just observing trending f-fantasy novels..."

"T-To see if Monika is interested in reading any of them with me..."

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