Chapter 15

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Today is December 22nd...the last day of school before winter break. Time is flying fast. I have grown very used to all of my new friends and the club itself. I understand how Natsuki feels about the club because that is how I feel about it myself. Since the last time I went to Sayori's house, I haven't done too much. On weekdays, I would go to school, then club, and walk home. On the weekend, I would just play video games or watch anime.

I sigh as I enter the club room.

Monika: "Hello John!"

"Are you excited for Christmas break?"

I look around.

John: "Y-Yeah."

Similarly to Halloween, the club room was decorated for Christmas. There was a small Christmas tree on the teacher's desk. Candy canes were dangling from the ceiling the frame of the classroom doors, windows and the closet door was surrounded by garland and multicolored lights. I look back at Monika to realize she is dressing in a santa outfit.

John: "Did you do all of this?"

"It's amazing!"

Monika: "Haha."

"Thanks but..."

"I actually didn't decorate for this holiday."

Monika points at Yuri. She has her head buried in the classic novel, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

John: "Wow!"

"She did an excellent job!"

Monika: "I agree."

"Go tell her that."

"I know you want to~"

"And I also know she's dying to hear it from you~"

My face burns up with red.

John: "W-What do you mean?!"

Monika: "Haha, don't worry!"

"I'm kidding!"

"You should still tell her though!"

I apprehensively turn towards Yuri and walk over to her.

John: "Hi Yuri."

Yuri looks up from her book.

Yuri: "H-Hey John.."

John: "I've been told that it was you who decorated this room."

Yuri: "I-Is it bad?"

"I-I'm so sorry! I-"

John: "Nono!"

"Just the opposite."

"I think you did an excellent job!"

Yuri: "O-Oh...?"


John: "Really."

Yuri: "That's good to hear."

"Thank you."

John: "Mhm.."

"I noticed the book you are reading."

"This is a great book."

Yuri: "Y-Yeah.."

"This is a Christmas classic."

"Do you w-want to read it with me?"

John: "Sure."

I pull up a seat and sit next to Yuri. At this point, she is at the part where Scrooge is being mocked by the Ghost of Christmas Present. We both sit in silence for most of the meeting. We either break the silence by laughing or reminiscing a certain part of the book we like. Soon enough, Monika stands up and gives her formal command.

Monika: "Okay everyone!"

"We can call it a day."

"Have a Merry Christmas!"

"And a Happy New Year!"

I stand up from my seat. Yuri grabs my arm.

Yuri: "W-Wait..."

John: "Yeah?"

Yuri: "T-There's the winter festival in town I attend annually."

"It's happening tomorrow."

"W-Would you..."

" to go with me?"

John: "It's a date!"

Yuri's face turns red.

John: "Not like that!"

"It's just a saying."

Yuri's face turns back to her normal skin tone.

Yuri: "O-Okay..."

"See you then."

John: "Bye."

I walk up to Natsuki and Monika.

John: "Have a great Christmas and New Years!"

Natsuki: "Thanks John..."

"You as well."

Monika: "Thank you John."

"Stay safe!"

Sayori: "Ready to go, John?"

John: "Yup!"

As Sayori and I exit the school and walk home, I can't stop thinking about how tomorrow with Yuri will play out. Hopefully this deepens our friendship more, or maybe something can happen...?

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