Chapter 24

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It is now the middle of March. Things have been going exceptionally well. It is presently time for the Literature Club. I enter the club room. I see everyone else has greeted each other and began their daily rituals.

John: "I'm the last one here?"

"I'm sorry."

Monika laughs.

Monika: "Haha!"

"You don't need to worry John!"

"We are glad you came."

John: "Alright then."

"Any special events planned for today?"

Monika: "I do have an announcement at the end of the meeting..."

"But you will have to wait until then~!"

John: "You got it!"

There is a moment of silence in between us. I don't want her to go do something else today. Out of the girls in the club, I definitely see her the least. I actually want to spend more time with Monika in the club. Think John, think....... Aha! I got an idea!

I open my mouth to speak.

John: "Hey Monika?"

She looks directly into my eyes.

Monika: "Yes, John?"

John: "Are you around today?"

Monika smiles.

Monika: "I sure am~!"

"Yuri and I finished the book we were reading the other day!"

I smile back.

John: "That's good!"

"I was hoping we could actually read the book based on that movie we saw a while back."

Monika: "Ah!"

"You mean Survival of Fate?"

John: "Yes!"

"That was the name."

Monika: "Sure!"

"I don't mind re reading it with you~"


Monika hands me her copy of the book.

Monika: "I only have one copy of the book.

"So we will have to share, okay?"

John: "Alright."

Monika: "The novel isn't too long."

"We can probably knock it out in a couple of days."

John: "Let's get started then, shall we?"

Monika: "Sure~!"

"Just one request."

"Can we sit on the floor by the teacher's desk?"

"I find reading at desks to be inconvenient with others..."

"Also my back can hurt sometimes..."

John: "Sure thing."

What's with Monika and Yuri's "posture" problems? Monika and I take a seat on the floor next to each other and she opens up the book.

Monika: "Ready to begin?"

John: "Sure!"

Monika: "Just let me know when

We begin reading the story. The book is more detailed than the story.

After a few pages, Monika speaks.

Doki Doki Literature Club: Normal ModeWhere stories live. Discover now