Chapter 2

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Well, it's the next day. Sayori overslept again, but this time I didn't wait because I would have been late if I decided to. I made the daily commute by myself. School ended before I knew it and it is time for the literature club to start. I entered the club room and was met with a greeting from Monika.

Monika: "Hi again, John!"

"Glad to see you didn't run away on us. Hahaha!"

John: "Nah, don't worry."

"This might be a little strange for me, but at least I keep my word."

Well, I'm back at the Literature Club. I was the last to come in, so everyone else is already hanging out. Yuri looks like a light went on in her when she sees I have returned.

Yuri: "Thanks for keeping your promise, John."

"I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you."

"Making you dive headfirst into literature when you're not accustomed to it..."

Natsuki: "Oh come on! Like he deserves any slack!" "Sayori told me you didn't even want to join any clubs this year."

"And last year too!"

"I don't know if you just come here to hang out, or what..."

"But if you don't take us seriously, then you won't see the end of it."

Monika: "Natsuki, you certainly have a big mouth for someone who keeps her manga collection in the clubroom."

Natsuki: "M-M-M...!!"

Natsuki finds herself stuck between saying "Monika" and Manga".

Natsuki: "Manga is literature!!"

Swiftly defeated, Natsuki plops back into her seat.

Sayori: "Don't worry guys~"

"John always gives his best as long as he's having fun."

"He helps me with busywork without me even asking."

"Like cooking, cleaning my room..."

Yuri: "How dependable..."

John: "Sayori, that's because your room is so messy it's distracting."

"And you almost set your house on fire once."

Sayori: "Is that so... Ehehe..."

Yuri: "You two are really good friends, aren't you?"

"I might be a little jealous..."

Sayori: "How come? You and John can become good friends too!"

Yuri: "U-Um..."

John: "S-Sayori--"

Sayori: "Hmm?"

John: "..."

As usual, Sayori seems oblivious to the weird situation she just put me into.

Sayori: "Oh, oh! Yuri even brought you something today, you know~"

Yuri: "W-Wait! Sayori..."

John: "Eh? Me?"

Yuri: "Um... Not really..."

Sayori: "Don't be shy~"

Yuri: "It's really nothing..."

John: "What is it?"

Yuri: "N-Never mind!"

"Sayori made it sound like a big deal when it's really not..."

"Uuuuh, what do I do..."

Doki Doki Literature Club: Normal ModeWhere stories live. Discover now