Chapter 6

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It's the day of the festival. Of all days, I expected this to be the one where I'd be walking to school with Sayori. But Sayori isn't answering her phone. I considered going to her house to wake her up, but decided that's a little too much. Meanwhile, the preparations for the event should be nearly complete. The banner Yuri and I painted is dry, and I gently rolled it up to take with me. She sent me a pleasant text reminding me not to forget anything, and I reassured her. Funnily enough, I probably feel the same way as Natsuki about the event. I'm more excited for it to be over so I can spend time with Sayori and Yuri at the festival. But knowing Monika, I'm sure the event will be great, too.

Monika: "John!"

"You're the first one here."

"Thanks for being early!"

John: "That's funny, I thought at least Yuri would be here by now."

Monika is placing little booklets on each of the desks in the classroom. They must be the ones she prepared that has all the poems we're performing. In the end, I found a random poem online that I thought Monika would like, and submitted it. So, that's the one I'll be performing.

Monika: "I'm surprised you didn't bring Sayori with you."

John: "Yeah, she overslept again..."

"That dummy."

"You'd think that on days this important, she'd try a little harder..."

I say that, but I suddenly remember what Sayori told me yesterday...And I suddenly feel awful, knowing it's not nearly that simple for her. I only said it because it's the way I'm used to thinking. But...Maybe I should have gone to wake her up after all?

Monika: "Ahaha."

"You should take a little responsibility for her, John!"

"I mean, especially because you two are so close..."

"You kind of left her hanging this morning, you know?"

John: "H-Huh...?!

I stammer, embarrassed. Monika changes the subject.

Monika: "Hey, do you want to check out the pamphlets?"

"They came out really nice!"

John: "Yeah, sure."

I grab one of the pamphlets laid out on the desks.

John: "Oh yeah, they really did."

"Something like this will definitely help people take the club more seriously."

Monika: "Yeah, I thought so too!"

I flip through the pages. Each member's poem is neatly printed on its own page, giving it an almost professional feel. I recognize Natsuki's and Yuri's poems from the ones they performed during our practice.

John: "What's this...?"

I flip to Sayori's poem. It's different from the one she practiced. It's one that I haven't read before...

John: "Ah--"

"She picked a good poem."

Suddenly, I get this urge to go to Sayori's house. It was a mistake not to walk her to school after my promise yesterday.

John: "I-I changed my mind!"

"I'm going to go get Sayori, so..."

Monika: "Ah--"

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