Chapter 17

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  My Christmas was decent. My parents surprised me by showing up early Christmas morning. It was good to not feel alone on Christmas and exchange gifts. We went out to eat and drove around to see lights. They stayed up for a few days, but then had to leave. I was sad to see them both go, but at least we celebrated Christmas together.

It's been over a week...Yuri still hasn't called or texted me back. The message I sent doesn't even seem to have been read. Is she that embarrassed about what happened? She's being hysterical. I've never seen this side of her that aggressive before. When school comes back into session, I will talk this out with her...

Right now, it is New Years Eve at sunset. I am walking to Sayori's house since she invited me over for the countdown. Her family also had to leave before New Years so Sayori and I decided to keep each other company. I walk up to Sayori's porch and knock on the door. The door opens.

Sayori: "Hey John!"

"It's been a bit since I've seen you~!"

John: "Haha..."


"It's good to see you again."

Sayori: "Come on in~!"

I enter Sayori's house. She closes the door behind me. She leads me into her living room. I take a seat on her couch. Sayori hands me a cup of cola.

John: "Thank you!"

Sayori: "No problem!"

Sayori sits on the couch with a cup of cola.

John: "So, how have you been?"

Sayori lets out a sad chuckle.

Sayori: "I'm hanging in there..."

She looks down at the floor.

Sayori: "Although..."

"It wasn't easy to see my parents leave again..."

John: "I understand how you feel..."

"My parents left a few days ago as well."

Sayori looks up at me.

Sayori: "But hey..."

"You're here."

"You keep me going..."

"And I'm thankful for that."

John: "I'll never abandon you Sayori."

"You've been a dear friend of mine for so many years."

Sayori: "Yeah..."

"Who knows what New Years will bring."

"Maybe 2018 will be our year~!"

John: "You never know..."


"I didn't think this year was that bad really..."

Sayori: "You didn't?"

John: "Nothing devastating happened this year."

"We now have a new leader with new opportunities..."

"Summer was an enjoyment..."

"Got to play fun video games and watch entertaining animes..."

"I joined the Literature Club and met some new friends..."

"But also..."

"I get to see you a lot more now..."

"Before the club..."

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