Chapter 26

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It is now the middle of April. Things have been going well. One thing that has changed is that Sayori is oversleeping a lot again. However, I am especially happy that the weather is getting nicer now and walks to school and home aren't cold now. It is now time for the club meeting. I enter the club room. I look around.

John: "Huh..."

"No one else seems to be here."

I pull up a desk, set my bag down and relax for a moment. A couple of minutes later, I see Yuri walk in. I wave.

John: "How was the rest of your day?"

Yuri: "U-Uhh..."

"Relatively fine...I guess..."

"I'm just glad it's over."

John: "Yeah."

Yuri sits at the desk next to me.

Yuri: "Do you know where everyone else is?"

John: "I'm not really sure."

"But for right now..."

I look directly into Yuri's eyes.

John: "Yuri?"


All of a sudden, Monika Sayori and Natsuki enter the room in a loud conversation.

Yuri: "W-What is it John?"

John: "N-Nevermind.."

Yuri: "O-Okay then..."

Yuri buries her head in a book from her bag. I decide not to bother her. I stand up and walk over to the other club members.

Monika: "Hey John~!"

John: "Hey Monika."

Sayori: "Hope your day went well, John."

John: "It did."

Natsuki: "I am tired after a long day."

I laugh.

John: "I don't blame you."

Soon enough, everyone was doing their daily tasks except me...

Man...It looks like no one wants to be bothered today. I slump down into a desk in the back. I never really have done anything by myself at the club. How am I supposed to occupy myself with something literature-related by myself like this? I guess I could always read some of the book...But I'm feeling a little too tired to read. I could probably fall asleep right now. I close my eyes and end up listening in on Sayori's conversation with Monika.

Sayori: "We're probably gonna seem really lame compared to all the other clubs again, though..."

Monika: "Hmm..."

"Well, we can't give up."

"The Spring Festival is our chance to show everyone what literature is all about!"

"I think the problem last time was that the idea of a literature club sounds too dense and intellectual..."

"But it's not like that at all, you know?"

"We just need a way of showing that to everyone..."

"Something that speaks to their creative minds."

Sayori: "Mmmmmmmmmmm....."

"That doesn't solve the problem, though!"

Monika: "Eh? What do you mean?"

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