Chapter 9

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John: "Is Sayori back to sleeping in?"

I am standing at the edge of Sayori's property to see if she will get up in time to walk with me to school. I guess not. Honestly, I'm surprised I can get up. I was up late reading volume 3 of Parfait Girls.

John: "I guess I'll see her at the club then."

As I turn around to leave, I can hear sprinting footsteps behind me. I turn around and Sayori is in front of me with toast in her mouth. She scarfs down the rest of the toast.

Sayori: "I'm here John, and ready to go~!"

"Did you almost leave me?"

John: "I thought you were oversleeping."

Sayori: "You meanie!"

John: "Whatever."

"Let's go."

Sayori and I begin our daily commute to school. Thankfully, the traffic wasn't too bad today and we were able to get to school on time. When we arrive at school, we say our goodbye and part ways to attend our classes. Today, classes are going by excruciatingly slow and I am having trouble staying awake in half of them. Before I know it, it is lunch time. I want to sit with Yuri again. Afterall, we want to finish The Portrait of Markov. I also like spending time with her. I find Yuri in the same spot as yesterday by herself. I approach her.

John: "Hi Yuri."

Yuri: "H-Hey John..."

John: "I brought the book with me today so we can continue where we left off."

I pull out my copy of The Portrait of Markov. Yuri does the same.

Yuri: "That's good... I have my copy right here."

"Where did we leave off?"

John: "I believe page 95."

Yuri: "..."


"You are right."

I take a seat next to Yuri and we begin to read. As we are reading, I notice Yuri looking more at my copy then her own like last week.

John: "Let's do what we did last week with reading."

I give Yuri the right side of the book and we turn the pages when we are both ready. Lots of time has passed. We have made lots of progress. We are now just about halfway through the story. So far, the story is mostly sad because the main character's trust keeps getting broken everytime she is betrayed by someone. But that doesn't mean I am not enjoying the book though. It has opened me up to psychological literature. I should thank Yuri for that. Even though we didn't speak much this time, I can tell she enjoyed my company. I enjoyed her company too.

John: "I think we should stop here today."

"The period's almost over and we didn't even eat lunch yet. I am enjoying the story though."

Yuri: "I'm glad...!"

Yuri pulls out an eggroll and quickly eats it. I eat my sandwich I made this morning.

John: "Hey Yuri?"

Yuri: "Hmm...?"

John: "You remember my offer on Sunday?"

Yuri: "W-We can hangout...right?"

John: "Correct."

"Are you around tomorrow?"

"It's not a school night since it'll be Friday."

Yuri: "Hmmmmm..."


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