Chapter 14

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Monika: "How are we doing today John?"

John: "E-Eh..?!"

"Good I guess."

It is now the middle of December, actually a month exactly since I last hung out with Monika. Through Thanksgiving, and early December... up to now, I haven't stopped thinking about turning down Monika's offer for "coffee". Monika never brought it up again. It looks like she hasn't thought about it since. Maybe I should just forget about it.

I look around. Natsuki is reading a new manga by the closet, Yuri has her head buried in a fantasy book and Monika and Sayori are chatting. Who should I spend time with today? Hmmm... I see Yuri and Sayori everyday. Monika seems busy talking to Sayori... I haven't spoken to Natsuki in a while. I walk over to Natsuki. She closes her book and looks at me.

Natsuki: "What do you want, dork?"

John: "H-Hey Natsuki..."

"It's been a while."

Natsuki narrows her eyes at me.

John: "I-I just wanted to see how you are doing."

Natsuki: "I am doing okay I guess."

"You okay?"

John: "Yeah, I am doing fine."

"Is that a new manga you're reading."

Natsuki: "Yes!"

"I am reading it with a friend actually."

"I'm just reading a little by myself right now so I can discuss it with her next time."

John: "Cool!"

"Do you mind if I read some with you?"

Natsuki: "Ahhh-"


I sit on the floor next to Natsuki. She moves the book in between us so we can read the manga together. We continue to read the manga in silence for the entire meeting until we hear Monika standing up.

Monika: "Okay everyone!"

"I think we can call it a day!"

Natsuki: "I guess this wraps that up for today."

Natsuki closes the manga and places it back in the closet. I stand up and walk to Sayori.

John: "Ready to go Sayori?"

Sayori: "Sure thing~!"

Sayori and I say goodbye to everyone and we leave the school. During our walk home, Sayori tugs on my arm to get my attention.

Sayori: "You want to come back to my house instead?"

I don't have any plans today.

John: "Sure, I'm free."

Sayori: "Great~!"

"Let's go!"

Sayori doesn't let go of my arm. As a matter of fact, she squeezes it as she is leading me back to her house. Once we arrive at her house, she lets go of my arm.

Sayori: "I have an idea of what we can do for today!"

John: "What's on your agenda?"

Sayori: "Well..."

"First, we can play games."

"Then order some food..."

"And watch a movie."

"How does that sound?"

John: "Sounds great."

Sayori: "Eeeee~"

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