Chapter 32

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The next day, I go to school and the day passes by quickly. It is now time to go to the literature club. I enter the club room to see only Monika and Yuri are here.

Monika: "Hello, John!"

"Hope your day was well~"

John: "So far so good."

I wave to Yuri.

John: "Good afternoon Yuri."

Yuri: "H-Hey..."

"Are you excited to continue the story...?"

John: "Yup!"

Monika: "Good!"

"We will start as soon as Natsuki and Sayori arrive.

Monika smiles happily.

Monika: "But first..."

"I have some good news!"

Yuri: "Mm?"

Monika: "I recorded Your Reality and put it up online."

Yuri: "R-Really?"

"I-I'll have to listen to it as soon as I get home..."

John: "Yeah, I will as well!"

Monika: "Awww~"

"Thanks for being so supportive guys!"

Yuri: "O-Of course!"

John: "Why wouldn't we be?"

Monika: "Haha!"

"I guess you're right!"

Sayori enters the room, huffing and puffing as if she's out of breath.

Sayori: "I'm sorry!"

"Am I late?!"

Monika: "Not at all!"

"I'm glad you are here, Sayori."

Sayori: "Phew..."

I want to say hi to Sayori, but my nerves get the best of me...damnit.

Natsuki walks into the club room.

Natsuki: "Am I on time?"

"Did I miss anything?"

Monika: "Hi Natsuki!"

"You are right on time!"

Natsuki: "That's good I guess."

Monika: "But I do have some good news."

Sayori: "Hm?"

Monika: "I recorded Your Reality and released it online."

Sayori: "Wow!"

"That's incredible!"

"I'm going to listen to it right after the club!"

Natsuki: "Congrats."

"I will listen to it too."

Monika: "Awww~"

"Thanks guys!"

"It means a lot to me."

Natsuki: "Mhm!"

Monika: "Anyways..."

"Did everyone remember to write a poem?"

Everyone: "Yes."

Monika: "Perfect!"

"After we finish the book, we will share them, okay?"


"Let's start reading, shall we?"

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