Chapter 8

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I wake up and stare at my ceiling. Another decent day may be ahead of me. Today, I will try to talk to Yuri and continue the manga with Natsuki. I get out of bed, shower, eat, brush my teeth and pack up my books that I used to study last night. I hope Sayori is awake in time to walk to school. I did miss those days of walking to school together. We have only done that once lately and that was for her to discuss clubs with me. As I leave my house, I see a familiar figure standing at the edge of my property.

Sayori: "Heeeeeyy John~!"

"I told you I would try my best."


John: "Good morning Sayori."

"Ready to go to school?"

Sayori: "Sure am!"

Sayori and I begin our walk to school. Today is a bit cloudy, so we focus on getting to school quicker to avoid possible rain. Soon enough, we arrive at the school.

John: "I'll see you at the club, okay?"

Sayori: "Bye John."

We both part ways to go attend our first period classes. As of lately, I have been having more of an urge to see Sayori, not even because of what happened on Sunday. What's happening to me? She's just a friend. We have been friends forever. There can't be anything for her, there can't! As I enter my room, I forget about Sayori and focus on the day. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. I remember Yuri saying last week that she sits alone at lunch. Should I sit with her? Or will I just bug her? I walk around the school to find her. She is nowhere to be scene in the school. I check the courtyard. I barely ever go here. To my surprise, Yuri was there, sitting by herself under a tree. She appears to be eating an eggroll while reading the book from yesterday. Maybe I shouldn't bug her.

Yuri: "J-John...?"

Yuri spots me and blushes.

Yuri: "W-What are you...doing here?"

"Shouldn't you be with y-your friends...?"

John: "Eh, I didn't feel like eating with them today."

"Also, we are friends."

"I wanted to chat with you because we didn't yesterday."

Yuri: "O-Oh..."

"Well in that case..."

Yuri moves her lunch bag and backpack from her left side to her right side.

Yuri: "You can s-sit here...if you'd like."

John: "Thank you."

I take a seat next to Yuri under the tree.

John: "So what book are you reading?"

Yuri: "I am reading a fantasy narrative called The American Gods."

"The world they create in this novel is really fascinating and intricate."

"I also think the main character is relatable."

"It keeps me enticed as I keep reading."

John: "That sounds great Yuri."

"Oh this reminds me."

"I was waiting for a time for us to continue The Portrait of Markov."

Yuri: "A-Ah...I was too."

"That's why I started this book yesterday..."

"Because you and Natsuki were hanging out..."

"I didn't want to interrupt anything..."

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