Chapter 33

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                             is it. The final day of school, and the literature club, is here. I wake up slowly and stand up once I have the strength to do so. I hop in the shower, eat, pack up my bag, brush my teeth and get changed into my uniform. As soon as I am fully ready for school, I exit my house.

John: "Sigh..."

"Today is the day."

"I have to tell Sayori how I feel..."

"It doesn't have to be now..."

"But before I say goodbye to her..."

"I have to come clean."

I walk to the edge of Sayori's property and wait for her to emerge from her house. Within a few minutes, Sayori appears. She closes the door to her house, locks it and runs over to me in a cheery manner and we begin our walk to school.

Sayori: "Good morning John~"


"Today's the last day!"

"Are you excited?"

John: "I'm a little excited..."

"I am happy to be done with school for the summer..."

"But part of me will miss the literature club."

Sayori: "I don't disagree."

"I had plenty of fun at the club this year."

"Being vice president is a blast!"

"I hope Monika picks me again next year!"

John: "I can't see why she shouldn't."

"...other than that you can be clutsy!"

Sayori: "Heyyyy!"

"Don't be a meanie!"

"I tried my best this year you know."

John: "I'm only kidding."

"And I know you have."

Sayori: "I'm also glad that I got closer to Yuri, Natsuki, Monika..."

"And of course, you."

John: "I am too."

"Sometimes, it reminds me of when we were little."

Sayori: "Yeah."

"Those were good times."

"But who's to say we can't have more good times in the future to come!"

John: "You have a good point there..."


Sayori: "So?"

John: "Do you currently have any plans for the summer?"

Sayori: "Not exactly..."

"However, I do plan on going to the beach once or twice..."

"And the waterpark too!"

"Maybe we can go to the amusement park?"

"We used to go there all the time!"

John: "Yeah..."

"It's been a minute since we have gone there."

"You know what?"

"You can count on it!"

"We should definitely go."

Sayori: "Yaaay~"

John: "It'll be fun."

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