Chapter 25

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The next day afterschool, I enter the club room. I am greeted by a smiling Monika.

Monika: "Good afternoon John!"

"Hope your day went well!"

John: "So far, so good!"

I look around to see everyone else doing their daily tasks.

John: "I guess I am the last one again today?"

Monika laughs.

Monika: "Don't worry."

"You were on time."

"If anything, they arrived slightly early."

John: "Alright then..."

"Should we continue Survival of Fate?"

Monika: "Of course!"

"I've been looking forward to this all day!"

John: "Good."

Monika: "Do you mind if we sit where we sat yesterday?"

John: "Not at all."

I set my bag on an empty desk and meet Monika at the spot we sat at yesterday. I sit down next to Monika on the floor. She opens the book and just like that, we continue from where we left off. The original novel does continue to have some significant differences from the movie I saw. Honestly, it just makes the book more worth reading.

Monika: "You know John..."

John: "Hm?"

Monika: "There actually was a point in my life where I wanted to serve in the military?"

Was not expecting to hear that.

John: "Really?"

Monika: "Yeah."

"I've been raised to be patriotic and love my country."

"I thought originally, I had to give back to the country through trying to protect it."

"But I learned that how I am supposed to give back is by being a productive citizen and to count my blessings!"

John: "I'd say you are right."


Monika: "Yeah, John?"

John: "I can tell..."

"That you are going to have one bright future!"

"Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!"

Monika smiles and pats my head.

Monika: "Thanks John."

"I know I'll figure it all out."

John: "If you ever need a friend to help..."

"I'm here for you, alright?"

Monika: "Noted!"

Monika and I smile at each other as we continue to read. After a little bit, Monika speaks again.

Monika: "You know..."

"This story gives the reader a good feel of what it was like to live in Europe during WWI."

"It was a brutal time period."

"And death could be at every corner."

John: "That is true."

"It did teach survival skills to those involved at least."

Monika: "That is true."

"But at the same time..."

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