Chapter 20

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Monika: "Hi John~!"

It is towards the end of January. So far, the school year has gone smoothly. Natsuki explained to me that on the day Yuri and I made amends, Natsuki gave Monika and Sayori "jobs" to do so it could be just Yuri and myself. I never really thanked her in person yet... I'll have to thank her in person later.

John: "Hi Monika!"

"Hope your day is going well!"

Monika: "So far, so good!"

I look around. Looks like it's just me and Monika for now.

Monika: "Hey..."

"Are you busy after the club?"

John: "Not really."


Monika: "I want to go to the cafe with you."

Monika wants to go with me again? Sure, I'm down.

John: "After I walk Sayori home I should be free."

Monika: "Okay! Talk to you then!"

Right after she says that, Yuri, Sayori and Natsuki enter the room. They all seem to be having a chat until they see me.

Sayori: "Hi there John~!"

Yuri: "Good a-afternoon."

Natsuki: "Hey."

I wave back. The three continue by greeting Monika. Yuri sits at a desk and pulls out a book, Natsuki disappears into the closet. Sayori remains with Monika and I.

Sayori: "Hope both your days went well!"

John: "My day was fine."

Sayori: "What about you Monika?"

Monika: "Haha..."

"Mine went well."

"I am still working on that song I'm trying to write."

John: "How far are you into it?"

Monika: "Oh, it should be done soon..."

"But then I have to practice it before I perform it for you guys."

Sayori: "Wow Monika."

"I'm impressed by your dedication!"

I nod in agreement.

Monika: "Thanks guys..."

"I promise not to disappoint!"

Sayori and Monika trail off into their own conversation. I decide to slowly back away and walk towards Natsuki. I'll see both of them later anyways. Natsuki is now on the floor by the closet reading a manga I haven't seen before.

John: "Hey Natsuki."

Natsuki looks up at me.

Natsuki: "Can't you see I am trying to read here?!"

"What do you want?"

John: "U-Uhhh..."

"I just..."

"Wanted to thank you in person"

"For what you did."

"I appreciated it."

Natsuki's face turns slightly red.

Natsuki: "U-Uhhh..."


"Y-You're welcome, okay?"


"You're so corny."

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