Chapter 29

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I wake up. Well, today's the day. The Spring Festival is happening today. I read a text from Monika reminding me to be at the school no later than 8:15. I stand up, stretch and I begin my daily routine to get ready for school. As soon as I am ready, I exit my house and tae a short walk to Sayori's house. I knock on her door once I arrive.

Sayori: "One minute~"

After a moment of waiting, Sayori opens the door.

Sayori: "I got your text last night about helping Natsuki."

"I'm readyyy!"

John: "Alright."

"Let's go then."

Sayori and I make our way to Natsuki's as quickly as possible. When we arrive, I knock on her door. She opens immediately.

Natsuki: "Good morning."

John: "Good morning."

Sayori: "Hi Natsuki!"

Natsuki darts her eyes at Sayori.

Natsuki: "You better not eat any of the cupcakes on the way there!"

Sayori smiles, clenches her fist and holds it to her chest.

Sayori: "You have my word."

Natsuki hands Sayori and I each a large tray of cupcakes. Natsuki grabs her tray and closes the door to her house.

Natsuki: "Well..."

"Let's get going, yeah?"

I nod.

Sayori: "Eeeeee~"

"I'm so excited!"

While we are walking, Sayori and Natsuki are having a conversation while I'm in my own temporary world. How will today go? What real impact will the fundraiser make? Will my idea actually impress the girls if it goes well? I guess I'll have to wait and see. Soon enough, Natsuki, Sayori and myself enter the school and report to the Literature Club room. I see Yuri putting up the last of the decorations. The theme seems to be simply books, poetry and other literature.

John: "Morning, Yuri."

Yuri turns around.

Yuri: "E-Eh...?!"

"You g-guys are...early."

Sayori looks around.

Sayori: "Wow Yuri."

"I really like what you did with the atmosphere!"

Sayori walks over to the aromatherapy dispenser and smells it.

Sayori: "Lavender?"

Yuri giggles.

Yuri: "Yes Sayori."

"And thank you as well."

"Monika made a...compromise and let me bring that..."

John: "It should totally help with the atmosphere."

Yuri: "Mhm."

Yuri looks intently at Natsuki's tray, then mine.

Yuri: "A-Are these the cupcakes you two made?"

Natsuki smiles.

Natsuki: "Yup!"

"Do you want to have a look?"

Yuri: "Sure thing."

Natsuki: "Just make sure Sayori doesn't take any."

Sayori: "Oooo..."

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